Critically Analyse The Impact of Current and Historical Events - Assignment Help
Essay Weight: 50%
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All assignments are to be typed Typing must be according to the following format:
- Double spaced - 3 cm left and right margins - Font: Arial or Times New Roman.
- Font size: 12pt Length: 2,000 words
Aim of assessment: The purpose of this assessment task is to provide students with the opportunity to compare and critically analyse the impact of current and historical events, health care policies and service provision on the health of two culturally diverse communities. Details In this assessment task, students are required to construct an essay that compares TWO culturally diverse groups within Australia, one of which needs to be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The essay is required to consider the following in comparing and critically analysing the two groups: - Past events and how they have impacted on known health issues in each cultural group - Analyse how health care policies have influenced health outcomes for each cultural group. There is a word limit of 2,000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 2,000 words plus 10%. The references will be marked as detailed in the marking rubric. You need to include in-text citations in your essay with a list of references at the end using APA 7th edition referencing style. Students are to use between 12-15 reference sources (minimal), five of which are peer-reviewed journal articles published within the past five years. References to support your discussion can also include textbooks and evidence-based guidelines produced by expert bodies. Please do not refer to patient information sites or blogs to support your discussion.
Additional helpful notes:
It would be better if students can focus on the health care policies which are related to the health issues/outcomes being identified earlier in the essay. It will then enhance a fluent flow of ideas.
Past events mean any events which have already occurred. They can be recent events or they can be historical events or a combination of both, as long as students can explain how these events have impacted on known health issues in each cultural group.
Criteria 1: Knowledge of events and policies and their impact on the two culturally diverse groups (Aboriginal Australians and any other cultural group from Australia)
Criteria 2: Critical analysis that includes a comparison of the two culturally diverse groups.
Criteria 3 - Introduction, overview of the topic and conclusion
Criteria 4 - Source of information and referencing skills.
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