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DDD80017 Design Futures

Project Briefs


Design Futures

Semester 2 2020 (Version 2)

Please read these Project Briefs carefully. They include: PROJECT 1 Theory Presentation

DDM10006 Design Futures

Brief 1: Theory Presentation Brief

Semester 2 2020 | Creation date: 03/06/2020

Project Weighting – 40%

Project Breakdown and Due Dates

Individual presentation in class - Weeks 3 to 5

PDF of presentation to be uploaded to Canvas by midnight of the day of your presentation.

Brief 1 Contents

1 Project Overview

1.2 Project Stages

Using the readings provided and more research of your own, critically analyse the boundaries and overlaps between two design methodologies given to you.

These include design thinking, speculative design, co-design, participatory design, exploratory experimentation, intervention and facilitation. Create an engaging and well-designed 15-minute presentation and facilitated class activity in order to explain the topics to the class in an engaging and informative manner.

2 Related learning Outcomes

  1. Critically analyse design cultures, trends, methods of communication, ethics, economies, politics and
  2. Understand and explain the boundaries and overlaps between design thinking, speculative design, co-design, participatory design, exploratory experimentation, intervention and facilitation.

3 Project Details

  • Project Explanation

Your presentation should clearly demonstrate your understanding of the topics through addressing the following points:

  1. Dissect the thinking involved in each topic and discuss the important elements or significant ideas that they are made up
  2. Explain the boundaries and overlaps between the
  3. Ensure you include at least one case studies that demonstrates each methodology in action or demonstrates how designers have tackled the topic in a way that relates to social or environmental
  4. Discuss how your topics can or have helped solve complicated
  5. How would you judge their accuracy, validity and moral implications?
  6. What about their potential for aesthetic quality/beauty?
  7. What evidence supports their effectiveness and what arguments refute it’s

potential to solve wicked problems?

  1. Evaluate how they might be relevant to looking at issues surrounding different ethnic or racial groups, ages and genders, and people from different

socio-economic backgrounds.

  • Project Limitations

Presentations must:

  • Strictly adhere to the time allocation
  • Be given in class during the scheduled time
  • Address two assigned methodologies and include a facilitated activity
  • Project Considerations

Students are expected to:

  • Complete weekly allocated readings
  • Enthusiastically take part in their peers facilitated activities
  • Project Specific Software Requirement

Any presentation software of the student’s choosing. E.g. PowerPoint or pdf and online options could include Canvas’ Collaborate ULTRA and Miro.

  • Weekly Schedule


Week Beginning  











3 August

Briefing Project 1 and 3

Lecture: Introduction to Design Futures

Allocate presentation topics

Readings to be completed for next week:

The future of design practice, cultures of knowledge production, connecting theory and practice and muli- disciplinary collaboration









10 August

Theory Presentations Project 1 Lecture: The future of the design practice

Readings to be completed for next week:

Design thinking and speculative design








17 August


Theory Presentations Project 1

Topic: Design thinking and speculative design, 15 min each, including class activity, upload pdf to Canvas Readings to be completed for next week:

Co-design and participatory design


DUE Project 1 Design thinking and speculative design presentations






24 August

Theory Presentations Project 1

Topic: Co-design and participatory design, 15 min each, including class activity, upload pdf to Canvas Readings to be completed for next week: Exploratory experimentation, intervention & facilitation

DUE Project 1


and participatory design presentations








31 August

Theory Presentations Project 1

Topic: Exploratory experimentation and intervention and facilitation, 15 min each, including class activity, upload pdf to Canvas

Readings to be completed for next week: Activism, wicked problems, report writing & design sprints


DUE Project 1 Exploratory experimentation and intervention and facilitation presentations

4  Project Breakdown and Due Dates, Requirements and Deliverables

  • Project Specifications

The final work must conform to the following technical specifications: N/A 

  • Project Presentation and Submission Due dates

Individual project worth 40% which is due Weeks 3-5.

Late submissions will incur a -10% penalty for each day late. Extension and special consideration policies and procedures are available in the Unit Outline and on Bb. All applications must be made directly to the unit convenor: .

5  Reading Materials

Due to the constantly changing nature of multimedia design technologies and applications, up to date reading guides and examples will be distributed via Canvas.

6  Assessment Method

This assignment is taught using a Project-based learning methodology. Via in-class consultation, your Lecturer will guide and direct your enquiries in this area of study. The project is related to a real life, design-industry outcome. You are expected to organise your own work and manage your workload in class, and outside. A wide exploration of tools, techniques and innovations in form and content should be explored and integrated into your submission.

7  Marking Criteria

The relevant marking criteria includes:

  • Communication: 20 points
  • Independent Research: 25 points
  • Problem Solving: 25 points
  • Analysis: 25 points
  • Aesthetics: 5 points

Expert's Answer

Design thinking is an imaginative act of mind. On one hand it utilizes the designer’s sensibility & shape his methods for matching people’s needs with technological feasible and viable business strategies.

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