DHI401 Digital Health and Informatics - Reflective Journal Assignment Help

Task Summary

You will write a journal based on weekly learning from the subject that records weekly personal and professional reflections on the current status of digital health applications in Australia.


This subject is expected to enhance your knowledge of digital health applications in Australia, as it applies both professionally and personally. You may be a health practitioner or working in the health-related sector. Assessment 2 seeks to follow your experiential journey through the subject and map your enhanced awareness and knowledge regarding digital health and informatics.

Task Instructions

To complete this assessment task, you must complete your weekly e-journal entries.

Consider the following trigger questions in your weekly reflections:

  • What is my understanding of digital health based on the topic this week? (For example, draw learning from this subject’s resources.)
  • How does it relate to my profession in Australia and globally? (For example, draw from wider )
  • Is the knowledge applicable to me personally? (For example, will I use the knowledge in my personal life or when interacting with others?)
  • How do I foresee the knowledge that I have acquired translating into my current work?
  • Did I experience knowledge translation into my current work? (Anecdotal evidence from practice or personal life).

Your Learning Facilitator will specifically provide feedback and marks on the entries for weeks 7 and 12.

Part A – Week 7 e-journal entry (up to 750 words)

This journal entry should include learning and reflections from weeks 1 to 6.

Part B – Week 12 e-journal entry (up to 750 words)

This journal entry should include learning and reflections from weeks 7 to 12.


  • Introductory Week 1:
    • Write an introduction on your current awareness/knowledge on digital health. Consider rating yourself on a scale of 1-10 (1 = no knowledge/unaware; 10 = exceptionally knowledgeable/aware) and then add reflections on your learning after the
  • Weekly:
    • At the end of every week, write a paragraph reflecting on the topic of the week and your thoughts on how it impacts you and your profession. Please name the heading with Week 2, Week 3 and so on. Do not write concluding paragraphs when you submit Part A. (It is not a conclusion yet!)
    • You may draw learning from the Essential Resources in the modules and wider These resources must be referenced using the correct APA 7th edition style at the end of the document. In-text citations (where applicable) must also be in the correct APA style.
    • Number of words: Aim to write no more than 125 words per week. You may write less in some When the journal is submitted at the end of Week 7

(Part A) and Week 12 (Part B), it should be around 750 words (+/- 10%) each.

  • Conclusions: At the end of Week 12 (Part B), you may wish to add a few sentences to conclude your reflections and describe the overall impact this experiential journey has had on

Please refer to the rubric at the end of this document for the assessment criteria.


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research or images used. All referencing must be in accordance with the university’s APA Referencing and Academic Writing Guide. For more information on referencing, go to https://library.torrens.edu.au/academicskills/apa/tool

Submission Instructions

Complete and submit your e-journal entries for Module 7 (Part A) and Module 12 (Part B) in the Journals page located in the main navigation menu in the DHI401 Digital health and Informatics Blackboard portal. Your Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity Declaration

I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-forms

I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.

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