Using Google Sites (or any other online web-authoring platform), you are to create a digital portfolio which will allow you to document and showcase your Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills. In designing the site, the following pages are required as a bare minimum.
- A ‘home’ page where you will provide a bit of information about yourself and why you have chosen to do this degree.
- A page where you list/create your own 23 things for digital knowledge.
- A page where you list your learning goals for this assignment.
- A section whereby you demonstrate your exploration of at least 5 of the 23 things for digital knowledge (see below for additional details)
- A page whereby you reflect upon the experience of completing this assignment (see section below for addition details).
As you might want to use this digital portfolio to show a perspective employer, so you can also think about adding the following pages/items to your Google site.
- A page that describes the industry placement component of your degree (can be updated later on once you have completed your placement)
- An updated copy of your CV.
- Awards you have won.
- Any other interests you may have.
- Any other things that you might find relevant