EAPM4000 Professional Communication Practice - Structured Reflection Assignment Help

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For humans, it is impossible to have relations with others without communicating. Effective communication is needed not only at a personal level but also in an organisation. The organisational communication is not confined to internal communication as any organisation interacts with several external stakeholders as well, including clients, government, and society at large (Adler & Elmhorst, 1996). In an organisation, communication can take place in several forms, including emails, meetings, and letters. The necessity for the organisational commitment arises from the fact that the work assigned to an individual in an organisation cannot be done in isolation as it is a subset of the organisational goal and objective. Thus, there must be effective communication in an organisation (Cornelissen, 2014).

In this reflective paper, I will present an overview of ‘organisational communication’ followed by the three reasons which made this topic interesting to me. Also, I will present my views on how I feel ‘organisational commitment’ will benefit me in my professional career. 

Overview of Organisational Communication

Each organisation has its objectives to achieve which are usually related to the business success and advantages over the competitors. To achieve the organisational objectives, there must be proper communication between different hierarchic levels of an organisation. Many researchers including Robbins (2003) have described organisation communication as a part of the organisational behaviour, however, organisational communication has emerged as an important area in its own. The increasing importance could be attributed to the various challenges and opportunities faced by an organisation, which makes it necessary for the leadership of the organisation to appreciate and focus on organisational communication. 

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