Assessment Event 2 - Planning inclusive experiences

Title: Planning inclusive experiences

Weighting: 40%

Length: 3 pages, including 2-pages for your experience plan; and 1-page for your explanation and justification

Due: Week 8

Learning outcomes: 1 and 4 Description:

You will create a 2-page experience plan suitable for children 0-5 (you may choose a specific age

range within this), focusing on ONE of the following learning areas:

  1. The Arts
  2. Literacy
  3. Numeracy
  4. Science, Technology and Engineering

You may choose any experience plan template that you wish, as long as it covers the following:

  • Title of experience
  • Proposed length of experience
  • Resources
  • Age of children
  • Links to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
  • Clear details of the experience, including what the children are expected to engage in, and what teaching strategies will be used throughout the
  • Strategies for inclusive assessment
  • Strategies for extending and supporting diverse children

You will also write a 1-page explanation and justification of your experience plan, which will include a brief explanation of your experience and a justification on how your experience addresses the diverse needs of children. It is important that you move beyond description here, and towards a critical justification of the inclusive nature of your experience plan, drawing on relevant literature throughout to support your discussion.

Subject Guide: ECCWC302A – Inclusive Practice and Principles in Early Childhood

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA style.

All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course. The criteria for marking this assessment are given below.

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