ECO2ITR Take Home Examination

The exam is divided into the following parts:

Part Marks No. and type of questions
A 10 marks 4 true/false questions with justification
B 40 marks 2 trade model numerical/graphical questions
Total 50 marks  


The total exam will be marked out of 50 marks and will be worth 50% of your final mark for the subject.

Do not complete this exam in the same room or on the same computer as a friend who might be sitting the same exam.

There will be a designated link to the take-home exam on this subject’s LMS. You must complete the Declaration of Individual Participation before you can open the Take Home Exam. You can do this any time before or during the exam window. You will need to download the Take Home Exam, complete and submit the task within the allocated time.

Enter your Student ID in the space provided on the cover sheet of your Take Home Exam and sign the Declaration of Individual Participation.

Allow yourself enough time to complete and submit your assessment task before the Assessment Close Time above.

Submit your completed assessment task via the Take Home Exam Submission link on this subject’s LMS site.

The Take Home Exam Submission link will be deactivated after the Assessment Close Time.  No submissions will be accepted after the Assessment Close Time of the exam, nor will you have the ability to reopen and edit any exam part after it has been submitted.

If you experience difficulties in understanding the instructions or any of the questions, or if you experience technical difficulties, you may contact the subject coordinator via the following email address:, between the Assessment Open and Close Times.


Additional Information and Advice from the Subject Coordinator

When illustrations (graphs or diagrams) are required in your answers, you can draw them electronically or alternatively by hand. If you draw them by hand, please take clear photos or make scanned copies and attach them to their correct position in the word document you submit with your answers.

Plagiarism Awareness

Although this exam may be completed as an open book exam, by submitting this exam you agree that:

  • The answers you provide are the result of your own original work;
  • You have not copied any part of your answers, either from the LMS and learning materials provided on the LMS, the textbook or other printed sources, internet sources, or answers prepared by anyone else;
  • You have not discussed any of the exam’s questions, or answers with anyone else;
  • You have read and agreed to be bound by the Statutes, Regulations and Policies of the University relating to Academic Integrity available at;
  • You may be subject to student disciplinary processes in the event of an act of academic misconduct by you including an act of plagiarism or cheating; and
  • All submitted written work may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to All submitted written work may be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policyposted on the site.

Learning Access Plan (LAP) (If applicable)

For students with a Learning Access Plan, normal arrangements will apply.  If you have queries regarding your LAP or if you require further support for your studies, please contact Equity and Diversity.

Special Consideration

This is a formal assessment in this subject.  If you are unable to submit the exam due to exceptional circumstances, you may apply for special consideration within 3 working days (inclusive) of the exam.  Please visit for the application process.  Failure to complete an assessment task by misreading the timetable is not sufficient grounds to apply for special consideration.

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