ECON1086 International Trade

Learning Objectives Assessed:

Economists write for a living. Part of writing is to undertake background analysis and to motivate an ensuing story. In international trade this involves finding data and making a compelling evidence-based argument.

This assessment is linked to the following Course Learning Objectives (CLOs):

  • Manipulate economic models to analyse real world issues in international trade.
  • Analyse the fundamental determinants of the size and pattern of trade to verify its determinants and its effects on the wider economy/welfare.
  • Compare and contrast economic and political conditions in poor and rich countries to critically assess the incentives and consequences of trade liberalisation globally.
  • Assess the impact of protectionist policies on the welfare in rich and poor countries to decrypt the political economy of trade reform.

Instructions for submission:

  • Click on Submit Assignment.
  • Click on Choose File.
  • Once you selected your file containing your assignment, click on Submit Assignmentat the bottom.

You can submit more than once. Only your last submission will be graded.

Assessment Declaration:

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration (Links to an external site.).


*** Follow the instructions above on how to submit your work.
*** Read the notes from Lectures 1 and 2 very carefully. Look at the answers for tutorials 1 and 2.

  1. Pick a country that you are interested in analysing (ANY COUNTRY).
  2. Find data on this country so that you can talk about trade.
    • Google: Penn World Tables, World Development Indicators and other data sources.
  3. Explain how open this country is using an accepted measure of openness.
  4. Discuss the country’s major exports, trade policy and sources of comparative advantage.
    • Use Google scholar to see what experts have said about the country. Cite their work!
  5. Imagine that your audience is non-economists, so explain all the terms that you use carefully.
  6. Reference your work.
  7. You have a 1000-word limit.
  8. Use double-spacing and Times New Roman Font 12.

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