EDEC112 Arts Folio - Assignment 2

Arts Folio (2500 words equivalent)

Students compile an arts portfolio. This includes images and illustrations of: a range of resources of art forms; planned art-based experience; samples of children’s engagement and participation on different artforms explored in this unit of study. The folio must include commentary of the images/ illustrations, and reflections outlining what they have learnt about the art form and how they can use what they have learnt as an early childhood teacher.

  • These images and illustrations can be collected during your 4-week placement.
  • If you are not going on placement this semester, you can collect them from early childhood education and care settings you work in. Please ensure that families complete the consent forms if their children’s photographs or work samples are included in your arts folio.


·         Compile a folio on different examples of arts forms that have been explored in this unit of study about the Creative Arts in Early Childhood.

·         This portfolio would be a document which contains a series of commentary, reflections and illustrations about what you have learnt in this unit and how you would use your learning as an early childhood teacher.

Suggested Word Count Marks
Folio Item 1: Reflection

1.      Describe your attitude towards creative arts before you started this unit

2.      Describe what arts education was like for you

Words only 310 10
Folio Item 2: Visual Arts/ Drawing

1.      Provide three photographs of children’s drawings that illustrate stages of drawing development in children from 18 months to five years. For each photograph or picture:

a.      clearly labelled to show the age of the child who drew it

b.      comment on how their drawings reflect the stage of drawing development

2.      Comment on the relevance and significance of this artform in children’s learning and development

3.      Explain how you would develop children’s dispositions and skills towards visual arts as a teacher


Pictures + 310 words 15
Folio Item 3: Storytelling

1.      Provide three photographs of children’s story books. For each story book, state the age for which the book may be considered suitable and briefly describe its content

2.      Comment on the relevance and significance of this artform in children’s learning and development

3.      Explain on how you would use each book to inspire a storytelling experience with children.


Pictures + 310 words 15
Folio Item 4: Drama

1.      Provide three pictures of drama idea resources that you have observed during your placements/ early childhood settings or available on the internet from sites like Pinterest etc.

2.      Comment on the relevance and significance of this artform in children’s learning and development

3.      Explain how you might use each resource to encourage:

a.      Process drama

b.      Teacher-role involvement and

c.       Child participation

Pictures + 310 words 15
Folio Item 5: Puppetry

4.      Provide three pictures of puppets that you have observed during your placements/ early childhood settings or available on the internet from sites like Pinterest etc.

1.      Comment on the relevance and significance of this artform in children’s learning and development

2.      Explain how you might use these puppets:

a.      Tell stories 

b.      Help children participate in experiences

c.       Understand moral and social issues

Pictures + 310 words 15
Folio Item 6: Music and Song

1.      Provide pictures or lyrics of three examples of music and/or song that you would use in an early childhood setting, or have observed being used during your placements/ early childhood settings

2.      Comment on the relevance and significance of this artform in children’s learning and development

3.      Explain how each item might contribute to the development of social and language skills

Pictures + 310 words 15
Folio Item 7: Dance and Creative Movement

1.      Provide three examples of dance or creative movements (including music choices) that you would use in an early childhood setting, or have observed being used during your placements/ early childhood settings

1.      Comment on the relevance and significance of this artform in children’s learning and development

2.      Explain how each item might contribute to the development of motor and social skills

Pictures + 310 words 15
Folio Item 8: Describe what you have learnt personally in your journey through this unit.

In your reflection, comment on and refer to:

1.      What you have learnt about arts and arts education through this unit, and your placement

2.      How you would develop an arts-rich curriculum as a teacher

Pictures + 310 words 10
Answers presented in report-form, clear writing skills, in-text referencing and reference list (at the end of report) formatted according to APA guidelines.   10

Reading and Research

You are expected to accurately refer, wherever relevant, to the EYLF, the text-book for this course, and links provided in the lecture slides.


In-text referencing and reference list (at the end of your assignment) should be formatted according to APA guidelines. Click here to access a the Excelsia College APA guide.

Marking Rubric

Each item will be marked out of 10 as follows. The total mark will contribute to 60% of your final grade for this unit of study.


Fail (0-4.9)

·         Does not accurately or adequately address the topic.

·         Unclear expression and/or irrelevant off topic information.

·         Inadequate application of APA referencing style



Pass (5-6.4)

·         Basic engagement with the topic.

·         Some inaccuracies may be present.

·         Some unclear expression or irrelevant information may also be present.

·         Basic application of APA referencing style


Credit (6.5-7.4)

·         Sound engagement with the topic.

·         Minor inaccuracies may be present.

·         Minor unclear expression or irrelevant information may be present.

·         Sound application of APA referencing style.


Distinction (7.5-8.4)

·         Thorough engagement with the topic.

·         No inaccuracies are present.

·         No unclear expression or irrelevant information may be present.

·         Thorough application of APA referencing style.




High Distinction (8.5-10)

·         Comprehensive engagement with the topic.

·         No inaccuracies are present.

·         Highly articulate and insightful expression with no or irrelevant information.

·         Evidence of accurate and relevant personal research.

·         Comprehensive application of APA referencing style.


Each question must be

  1. clearly numbered with headings, and
  2. formatted in accord with the Excelsia College Style Manual for Academic Writing.

Please note: this assessment task is not an essay. Simply answer each question with the required number of words. Do not provide an introduction or conclusion.

Video must demonstrate how students will implement the learning experience to a hypothetical group of children.

Word Count

Each answer must be as indicated in the task description.
References are not included in the word count.


All extensions must be applied for in accord with paragraph G of the Excelsia College Course Unit Regulations. This paragraph states:

Lecturers will not (without penalty) accept late work for which a prior extension has not been obtained. I

Please read paragraph G in the Excelsia College Course Unit Regulations carefully and in full.

Click here to access the application extension form

Late Submissions

Late submissions will receive late penalties in accord with paragraph F of the Excelsia College Course Unit Regulations. This paragraph states:

Unless an extension has been applied for and granted in accordance with the Extensions Policy and Procedure, where a student submits an assessment past its due date, the assessment marks will be reduced at the rate of 5% of the total possible marks for the assessment item per calendar day, up to 14 days late.

Please read paragraph F in the Excelsia College Course Unit Regulations carefully and in full.

Special Consideration

If you need an extension beyond the normal limits, you may apply for special consideration. Click here to access the Special Consideration Form.

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