Word count: min 1200 and max 1500 words
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4
Weighting: 40% of final unit mark
- Lesson overview
In this section of each lesson plan, you need to provide a brief description of the purpose of the lesson, the targeted literacy skill, the developmental level and characteristics of target students the lesson is intended for, the learning intensions and how they fit into a continuum of literacy skills, and an explanation of what curriculum/syllabus content is covered (including the curriculum code when available). Finally, you need to explain what the criterion for success is and how you share it with the students.
- Lesson content
In this section, you need to explain the content of the lesson in detail. For example, if your lesson is divided into three parts (e.g., explicit instruction, guided practice, independent practice), explain the content of each phase.
Your explanation of the content needs to:
(1) demonstrate that you understand where the concepts being taught fit in a learning progression, and
(2) that the content and activities are relevant for the learning intensions and organised into an effective learning and teaching sequence.
- Teaching Methodologies (including differentiation)
In this section, you need to provide details on how each phase of the content is taught, what you do, and what you expect the students to do. Your explanation needs to show understanding of how your target students learn and include effective teaching strategies selected on the basis of that knowledge. You need to include references to relevant research from the unit. As the lessons are literacy lessons that include both reading and spelling, your students will vary widely in their existing reading, spelling and language skills.
You need to explain how you adapt your teaching (and possibly content) to meet the specific needs of:
(1) students who already read and write well above the grade level,
(2) EAL/D students who may lack some of the language skills others in your class have, and
(3) students who are struggling with literacy learning already. Include references to relevant research from the unit.
- Assessment Strategies (formative and summative)
In this section, you need to explain how you monitor and assess student learning during the lesson (formative assessment) and how you establish at the end of the lesson that the students have achieved success (summative assessment). Include examples of questions you ask, high-, medium- and low-quality responses you expect students may produce, your feedback to those responses, and/or outline tasks you would ask students to complete to demonstrate what you expect the students to be able to do independently at the end of the lesson.
You should also provide an example of how you assess the retention of learning later in time and what kind of summative assessment could establish that the targeted curriculum/syllabus content has been learned.
- Justification from research
In this section, you need to justify your choice of content, teaching methodologies and assessment choices with references to research and curriculum documents. You can format this section as an annotated bibliographyLinks to an external site.. (For more information on annotated bibliographies, click on the link hereLinks to an external site.).
The annotations need to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the relevant curriculum documents, relevant research on literacy learning and effective teaching strategies, and the structure of the content area your target literacy skill is contributing to. Include at least four references.
- References
Provide a full reference information for all the references used above. Please ensure you refer to, and carefully use, the ACU Referencing Guide (APA 7th) for all citations and references. Assistance in using the APA 7th citation and referencing style correctly is also available from the ACU library (either in person or via the chat button on any library page) or from the Academic Skills Unit.
Accurate citations and referencing will be graded in your assessment. However, your reference list is not included in the total word count.
NOTE: Please refer to the rubric often throughout your research and writing process to ensure you are meeting the criteria. The link to the rubric is at the bottom of this page.
Below you will find the link to a template to use for each of your lesson plans in AT2.
- Please click on the link below and save it to your desktop.
- Then copy and paste a copy of the template into a Word document to use for your first lesson plan.
- You can then use the first template you downloaded for your second lesson plan.