EDU5LDI Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

Assessment Task 1

Assessment Task                                          Due Dates                                                       SILOs Assessed
Task 1: Oral presentation See Assessment summary above 50% 1, 2, 3, 4
Submission Details
Electronic submission via LMS. 2,200 word equivalent
Grading criteria and feedback
Grading/assessment criteria are detailed below. Feedback will be provided within the LMS discussions and in the LMS assignment link.
Description of Task
As educational leaders, you need to lead with a deep understanding of social justice, including the ways language has emerged and the meaning of key terms. In Assessment Task 1 you will present during class a 5-minute researched formal presentation on a key term associated with diversity and inclusion.

·         Your Oral Presentation will be presented during class – either on campus (Blended instance students) or via Zoom (online instance students). You need to nominate the day using the link in LMS / Assessments / Task 1: Oral presentation

·         Approximately 5 minutes speaking time (no less than 4 minutes, 30 seconds, no more than 5 minutes 30 seconds)

·         There will be a question time limited to 5 minutes following each presentation

·         You should use a PowerPoint presentation to prompt you (a maximum of 4 slides).

You must choose from the key terms listed in the link in LMS / Assessments / Task 1 / Choose a key term for Assessment 1. This link will become available from Thursday 8 September 2022, 5pm. Each key term can only be chosen by one person in our class. It will be a case of whoever selects the key term first after the link opens, will be the person to get that term. (“First in, best dressed”). If your chosen term is already taken, you will need to choose a different one. You should have several terms in mind that you’d like to choose, and pick the one that is available.

Students who leave choosing till the last minute will need to choose from among those that are left.

Your presentation must be researched – you may already believe you know what these terms mean. However, for this assignment, you are being asked to interrogate, explain, defend, and clarify what these terms mean by referring to literature about contemporary diversity and inclusion policies and practices. You should demonstrate your understanding of how diversity and inclusion related to your key term are conceptualised, theorised, problematised, explained, and interpreted by the respective authors or theorists.

The PowerPoint slides including your complete reference list must be submitted to LMS one day after the presentations. (This must be a PowerPoint file, not a PDF). The PowerPoint slides must capture key information. This may be in text form only, or a combination of graphics and text. DO NOT USE DIRECT QUOTES. You must also include your talking points for the presentation on the PowerPoint notes page.

For your PowerPoint you will need to consider:

·         content

·         design and layout

·         visuals

·         aesthetics

Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.

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