EDU5SGT Sociolinguistics And Language Teaching - Multilingualism - Essay Assignment Help

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This essay comprises the analysis of the La Trobe University language policy with a focus on its relationship to the Australian language policy. It focuses on the degree to which the La Trobe University language policy suggests a comprehensive recognition and acceptance of multilingualism and the multiculturalism that underpins this. I will explain La Trobe University’s policy through my experiences and my perceptions of its strengths and limitations and will then propose recommendations as to how the policy could be redirected in order to better support multilingualism and multiculturalism.

Multilingualism is commonly accepted in most nations nowadays as it seen to enhance and fulfill the needs of globalization (Singh, Zhan & Besmel, 2012, p 350). Inherent within the spread of multilingualism is an increased focus on multiculturalism, the acknowledgment of several cultures and their values, customs and beliefs, under one setting (Arasaratnam, 2014). This is particularly true in Australia. Therefore, language and culture is given consideration in all institutions of the society, especially educational institutions as they play an important role in manifesting learning and development and building values and skills throughout our lives. Different institutions have different language policies according to their mission. The purpose of this essay is to show the language policy of La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia, and its role in multilingualism mobility in relation to multiculturalism, for students from across the world. The increase in migration has also increased the use of multilingualism in schools and universities all around the world. I have chosen La Trobe University as I am currently a part of it and I will discuss how its policies affected me as an international Saudi Arabian student. To gain knowledge on this aspect, I will analyse the language policies of the La Trobe University and to put light on the connection of these policies with respect to multilingualism and multiculturalism, I will use literature research. 

The mode of communication for all activities is the language, which is culture specific in nature. The culture varies according to the values, beliefs and customs of the people or community. Clyne (2011) suggests that in order to evaluate the role of language in multiculturalism, it is important to understand the meaning and functions of language. He notes that apart from being recognized as “…the mode of communication, it is the symbol of identity, expression of culture, medium of cognitive and conceptual development and also an instrument of actions”. This distinction between multiculturalism and multilingualism is important because far too often they are used interchangeably. Multiculturalism, firstly, promotes strength and value of cultural diversity, social justice and equality, and secondly, it places emphasis on human rights and on equal distribution of power and income among groups. Multilingualism, on the other hand, is linked to cultures, therefore, diversity of language, literacies and communication styles play a crucial role. (Abdullah, 2009). It is important to note that multilingualism is now moving beyond this focus on language and into developing the need for equity and access.

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