Effect of Work life Balance on Employee Performance - Essay Assignment Help

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Human resources are highly concerned about maintaining a balance between their professional and personal lives, such that they can manage responsibilities of both in effective manner. In order to attract and retain talented workforce, it has become crucial for businesses to implement work life balance friendly practices in organization, such that equilibrium can be assured for employees’ work and non-work life. The underlying essay has focused on exploring the effect of work life balance on performance of employees. Through assistance of annotated bibliography, it was found that when employees are provided opportunities to maintain work life balance, then their positive attitudes are fostered and thus enhancement in overall performance of employees can be witnessed. In order to strengthen the argument, support of literature has been obtained and both direct as well as indirect effect of work life balance on performance is highlighted. In addition to this, theoretical perspectives are also highlighted which support the association of two variables, such as strategic human resource management and resource based view. 

Argument and Discussion

The notion of work life balance was introduced in 1970 by researchers in UK and since then numerous studies have been carried to explore the issue in greater detail. The phenomenon of work life balance has maintained an important placing among psychologists and business professionals, especially among millennial. It has been highlighted by White et al. (2003) that organizations are making substantial efforts to develop culture through which they can lower work life conflict of workers and can develop prospects for enhancement of employee engagement. This is aligned with the views of Rani and Mariappan (2011) who has confirmed that literature of work life balance has undergone a paradigm shift, such that these practices are not merely used for accommodating care giving roles of workers, but they are being embraced as way of recognizing employees’ commitment and contribution. The study of Poulose and Sudarsan (2018) has provided justification of including work life balance practices in contemporary workplace, by offering that workplaces are becoming diverse and role of care is no more confined to one gender, as traditionally only women were responsible as caregivers. Now both genders are equally contributing in home as well as in organizations and thus they need enhanced support from organization for promotion of work life balance (Poggesi, Mari and De Vita, 2015). Therefore, work life balance is highly appreciated and employees seek to work for organization which offer them prospects of maintain balance between their work and their personal lives. 

The significance of work life balance is based on the notion that when employees are able to maintain a balance between their work and non-work activities, then their stress and depression is likely to decrease and positive employee related outcomes can be encouraged (Rani and Mariappan, 2011). Many studies have explored the consequences of work life balance in organizational settings and have highlighted its association with both work related (job satisfaction, commitment and performance) as well as stress related variables (job burnout, turnover intentions, stress and strain) (Saraih, Karim and Sakdan, 2018)

By specifically focusing on performance outcome of work life balance, it has been found that work life balance is linked with meaningful achievements at individuals’ work, along with relaxing time with the family (Muhammad, 2015). Organizations that offer flexible working hours, family friendly policies, part time working options, job sharing prospects and working from home options are much likely to encourage positive employee related outcomes. It has been noted by Forsyth and Polzer-Debruyne (2007) that when organization provides prospects of work life balance to employees, then positive effect is witnessed on employees’ attitudes and perceptions. The positive attitude of employees on job are likely to lower cost of managing workforce. For instance, the absenteeism cost and expenses linked with loss of talented and competent workforce can be reduced by managing practices to improve work life balance of employees (McCarthy, Darcy and Grady, 2010). When organization becomes able to control the cost of human resource management, then it also adds positively in improving the performance of organization. Additionally, when organization does not lose its competent workers as result of flexible workplace, then it becomes able to encourage employees to work effectively for accomplishing the performance goals of organization (Mahesh et al., 2016). For instance, McDonalds offer option of part time work to young workers who are willing to continue their education along with job. The workers who receive opportunity to adjust their working hours on weekly basis are likely to feel valued by the organization. Such employees then try to reciprocate the positive behavior as a gesture of thanks to the organization and work enthusiastically (Rani and Mariappan, 2011). It can be considered that McDonalds realize and embrace the importance of work life balance and by offering flexible working environment to employees, the company fosters their commitment and engagement. It then results in excellent customer service in McDonalds and thus company is able to realize its sales goals, which help the company to increase the level of organization’s performance. 

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