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Assessments are classified as ‘formative’ (contributes to acquiring the skills and knowledge to achieve the learning objective) or ‘summative’ (assesses whether learning objectives have been achieved).
Assessment Task Item | Individual/ Group Task | Related Learning Outcome(s) | Weighting | Due Date |
Written Report | Group | 1, 3, 4 | 30% | Sunday November 8th 2020 at 1159pm |
Oral Presentation | Group | 1, 3, 4 | 10% | Saturday October 31st 2020 |
Research Essay | Individual | 1, 2, 3 | 25% | Sunday October 18th 2020 at 1159pm |
Case Study Report | Individual | 1, 2, 3 | 35% | Sunday November 15th 2020 at 1159pm |
Feedback will be given for numerous formative assessment tasks.
The grading rubrics/marking criteria associated with each assignment are be communicated separately.
Educlinic Pty Ltd is a start-up tertiary education gaming company, building its first consumer product Molehunt. The company was started by Dr Tony Dicker to fill a gap in medical student education. Molehunt is a game to teach dermatoscopy, a technique for examining the skin to diagnose skin cancers. Educlinic Pty Ltd has engaged Harmonious Productions to build the first product. Harmonious Productions is owned by Swinburne graduates and is focussed on building cooperative games.
The value proposition of Educlinic is providing tertiary education material in an interesting and engaging format, including the use of the knowledge in a simulated clinical setting. The platform can teach other components of the medical course, and can be adapted for education of other professional services. A gaming platform also allows for more advanced levels of content as Continuing Professional development for qualified professionals.
Educalinic Pty Ltd have commissioned Galloway Consulting1, in order to help plan strategically towards establishing a sustainable business model and ensuring a continuous viable market fit.
Your group is part of Galloway Consulting team and has been assigned this particular advisory task. Your task is to draft an 7.000-7.500-word report (Times New Roman 12, Single Spacing, excluding references and appendices) reflecting the development of EduClinic business model and provide meaningful, insightful and realistic suggestions based on credible data, information and practices. There are two key components involved in this process and they include: the product/service AND the business model.
The purpose of the business model development is to arm EduClinic with the tools, information, and commitment to evaluate the degree of advantage and focus provided by its current strategies. Your work will produce the data needed to determine whether a change in strategy is necessary and exactly what changes should be made.
1 Calloway Consulting is a fictional name; a boutique consulting firm aiming at helping small and medium sized enterprises (SME's) create and fulfill their strategic business planning.
A business model audit involves assessing the actual direction of a business and comparing that course to the direction required to succeed in a changing environment. A company's actual direction is the sum of what it does and does not do, how well the organization is internally aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when compared to external market and competitors. These two categories, the internal assessment and the external or environmental assessment, make up the major elements of a business model and strategic planning audit.
Your task is to identify the key success factors of the venture and describe how the venture will be able to leverage these factors and act as an internal compass to guide it toward business growth and success.
Your report should provide meaningful insights and advice on how EduClinic can communicate the story of the business. Your report should offer a clear and concise description of the market potential, the business model and the unique value proposition. It should provide insights on the strategy that EduClinic can use to generate revenue, business opportunities, and maps out a strategy to move forward. Moreover, it should describe how has the overall business model changed through the years and what has impacted EduClinic’s business model. In order for the story to be compelling the characters (team and customers) and the plot (how you make money) need to be clearly developed and easily understood.
Your report needs to be aligned to the associated marking rubric. Swinburne Assignment-writing guides and samples can be accessed here. Different types of writing at Swinburne University can be accessed here.
Acceptable non-peer-reviewed outlets: Australian Financial Review, Financial Times, The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, FORBES Magazine, Bloomberg BusinessWeek Magazine, Fortune Magazine.
To access non-peer reviewed business articles students can refer to the Swinburne Library and especially the Factiva Database. Students can consult with the Unit Convenor for accessing a specific article.
Note: Lecture slides will not be accepted as cited material/references.
Note: Information acquired from low-quality websites, blogs, Wikipedia will be neither considered as credible sources nor accepted as references.
You are expected not only to present EduClinic’s product or service idea but how are you planning to impact a defined market with this business idea. You will need to look beyond EduClinic’s product or service and provide insights on EduClinic’s “out-of-the-building” customer discovery process, which involves gathering information from the marketplace (secondary and desktop research). Thus demostrating what have you learned about EduClinic’s business idea by embedding it in the market is not only more interesting, but more readily demonstrates future business viability.
The presentation will take place on Saturday October 31st 2020. The teams are requested to present in an “in-front-of-a- client” format. Each team will have 30 min to present and 15 min for Q&A. Before the presentation team leaders are required to submit the associated SlideDeck. A week later the team leaders are required to submit the associated Written Report. All documents must be uploaded on Canvas. All team members are required to present and be ready/active during the Q&A session.
Research Essay (25%)
A number of airlines from around the world begin to introduce new routes that are pushing the possibilities of next- generation aircrafts connecting more people and flying non-stop across greater distances.
Singapore Airlines operates the world’s longest flight between Singapore Changi International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport covering a distance of over 9.500 miles in approximately 19 hours. The Australian Qantas launched commercial non-stop flights between Perth and London Heathrow covering a distance of 9,000 miles in approximately 17 hours.
The emergence of these so-called “ultra-long-haul flights”, with non-stop routes between the U.S. and Asia, Europe and Australia become possible thanks to the advent of the next-generation of fuel-efficient aircrafts like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Airbus A350. These technologically-advanced jets cannot only cover longer distances but are also equipped with the most-advanced jetlag-fighting features (higher cabin pressurization and humidity).
This new paradigm is gradually challenging existing commercial aviation business models creating an additional pressure to major airport hubs that can potentially be deemed irrelevant in the rise of non-stop super-haul flights.
The aim of this research essay is to explore and provide novel and meaningful insights based on high-quality peer- reviewed academic journal articles, secondary data (desk research), industry and consulting reports and relevant information to the following questions:
Your research essay should be a 2.000-2.200 words (Times New Roman 12, Single Spacing) document (excluding references and appendices).
Note: the focus of the research should be on the business and not the technology side. Your research essay needs to be aligned to the associated marking rubric.
Swinburne Assignment-writing guides and samples can be accessed here. Different types of writing at Swinburne University can be accessed here.
Acceptable non-peer-reviewed outlets: Australian Financial Review, Financial Times, The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, FORBES Magazine, Bloomberg BusinessWeek Magazine, Fortune Magazine.
To access non-peer reviewed business articles students can refer to the Swinburne Library and especially the Factiva Database. Students can consult with the Unit Convenor for accessing a specific article.
Note: Lecture slides will not be accepted as cited material/references.
Note: Information acquired from low-quality websites, blogs, Wikipedia will be neither considered as credible sources nor accepted as references.
Case Study Report (35%)
Working on a case study is a creative process, which requires a multidisciplinary and multilevel approach. A case study is a snapshot taken within a specific point in time analysing a particular real situation and/or scenario with the purpose of providing the reader with all the necessary information and data to allow the evaluation of alternative courses of action.
“What the case study does represent is a research strategy, to be linked to an experiment, a history or a simulation, which may be considered alternative strategies” (Yin, 1981, p.59). At the same time, a case study caters for building knowledge capacity, while developing strong analytical skills and critical thinking. The distinguishing characteristic of a case study is that it endeavours to examine “a contemporary phenomenon in its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident” (Yin, 1981, p.59). A case study serves the purpose of providing deep and contemporary insights within the continuously evolving field of business and management and within the constantly changing norms of the global 21st century business environment.
Working with a case study is all about preparation; it requires deep understanding of a specific problem/situation that requires solution. The experience of working with a case study helps the student unbundle and decode all the different key elements and contribute to the gaining of knowledge through this process. Therefore, in order to embark of a writing a case study journey it is important to plan diligently, demonstrate discipline and be ready to work hard.
For the purpose of this case study assignment, you are requested to study a start-up/scale-up/venture/company etc.
Follow the analytical-oriented method in order to:
Follow the problem-oriented method in order to:
Your case study should be a 3500-4000 words (Times New Roman 12, Single Spacing) document (excluding references and appendices) and structured in the following sections:
Sections | Elements |
Executive Summary |
The purpose of the executive summary is to underline the purpose of the case study. It is important to provide an overview of the field of research. Moreover, the executive summary should briefly outline the issues and the findings without getting into specific |
details. Furthermore, the theory/theories that will be used need to be clearly identified, along with, the qualitative and/or quantitative evidence. Overall, by reading the executive summary, the reader must be able to grasp a clear picture of the essential
components of the case study. |
Findings |
In the findings section, it is required to identify:
a) the problem(s) found in the field of research b) the decision-making process that was followed c) the solution(s) adopted at that time The analysis must be based and supported by facts. |
Critical evaluation |
In this section, you critically evaluate the decision-making process that was followed, and the solution(s) adopted at that time. This critical evaluation needs to be based on facts, along with, theoretical components and concepts that have been discussed in the course of the unit and strongly supported by high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles.
Your role is not to report on existing theories and provide generic information. Your response is expected to be grounded on the specific contextual peculiarities and translated within the relevant and respective circumstances. You can divide this section into sub-sections. This section needs to be written in a convincing and persuasive manner, synthesizing multiple sources of information, while providing “up-to-speed” but at the same time “down-to-earth” insights. |
Discussion and Recommendations |
In this section, you are required to illuminate the “What could have been done differently?” question by recommending an alternative solution(s) that could have been adopted and provide detailed justification explaining why and how this solution(s) could have potentially solved the problem(s) and have potentially affected the course of actions that took place.
This section needs to be written in a convincing and persuasive manner, synthesizing multiple sources of information, while providing “up-to-speed” but at the same time “down-to-earth” insights. It is important that the recommendations need to integrate the theoretical components and concepts discussed in the course of the unit. |
Concluding Remarks |
In this section, you will sum up and wrap up on the analysis highlighting the key points from the findings, the critical evaluation and the discussion and recommendations. |
References |
You need to make sure that all the material and sources of knowledge used in the case study are properly cited using the Swinburne Harvard Style. |
Appendices |
In this section, you may wish to include any data/information/graphs etc. related to the case study. |
Your case study report needs to be aligned to the associated marking rubric. Swinburne Assignment-writing guides and samples can be accessed here. Different types of writing at Swinburne University can be accessed here.
Acceptable non-peer-reviewed outlets: Australian Financial Review, Financial Times, The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, FORBES Magazine, Bloomberg BusinessWeek Magazine, Fortune Magazine.
To access non-peer reviewed business articles students can refer to the Swinburne Library and especially the Factiva Database. Students can consult with the Unit Convenor for accessing a specific article.
Note: Lecture slides will not be accepted as cited material/references.
Note: Information acquired from low-quality websites, blogs, Wikipedia will be neither considered as credible sources nor accepted as references.
Important: Students are not allowed to choose ventures that have been used for case studies prepared and published for educational purposes by educational institutions. Students are encouraged to consult with Unit Convenor prior to choosing the venture.
Assessment Task Item | Individual/ Group Task | Due Date |
Class or small group progress presentations/discussions | Individual | Ongoing |
Group Project Presentation (practice) | Individual + group | Ongoing |
Small group progress presentations/discussions
During the semester the students must be prepared to present a short, concise, presentation on their work. Each block will cover a certain topic (see unit outline). Your insights will be discussed in class or small groups and formative feedback will be provided by your instructors and/or from your learning partners who wish to do so.
There was a time when people had to travel days to reach from one place to another. Some of them died in the midway while some could not reach their destinations due to lack of proper navigation. The invention of the airplane was a disruptive innovation as it changed the persona of traveling. People could meet their loved ones especially during their illness or in an emergency. They got the chance to see an aerial view of the world which they once thought was impossible. Even though this business is the second most risky after hospitality, yet it has the potential for huge profitability (Jürgen Ringbeck, December 2017). But as the sky is the limit and every industry need to modernize for better to survive, the airline industry also had to change their business model.
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