ENVS8418 Assignment 3. Short Quizzes
Description: Multiple-choice quizzes and short answer questions in class to assess knowledge of theoretical frameworks and current policy and practical approaches to making cities sustainable
Due Date: During class in Weeks 8 and 12
Format: Mix of multiple-choice questions, short answer format and skills based on material covered in Weeks 5-11 of the semester and submitted through iLearn. To complete the quizzes you may need a scientific calculator, access to Excel or similar spreadsheeting software, and a scale ruler.
Weighting Value: 20% (each quiz is 10%)
Background: This task is designed to test your knowledge of environmental planning theory, plans and policies. Quiz 1 will test your understanding of the content and application of theory from Weeks 5-7. Quiz 2 will test your understanding of the content and application of theory from Weeks 8-11. Questions may relate to the background reading, lecture materials, small group activities and fieldtrip.
Each quiz has 2 parts.
In Part A you will be required to answer 10 multiple choice questions.
In Part B you will be required to answer 5 short answer questions that test your application of theory and relevant skills.
Learning outcomes for the quizzes. By completing these quizzes you will:
- Demonstrate knowledge about the theory and practice of environmental planning
- Demonstrate the application of planning skills
The quizzes will be available through links on the iLearn site (under the ‘Assessment’ tab) from 7:00 pm on the day they are due. You will have 45 minutes to complete the quizzes.
If you have technical difficulties and cannot complete the quiz during the allotted time you will need to email the convenor (peter.davies@mq.edu.au) to apply for special consideration.
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