EPPD 8013 Group Project for EPPM8013
As a team, develop a research proposal on quantitative study using survey questionnaire. The theme of the study is on the changed business landscape post COVID-19 Pandemic. The proposal should be prepared in the form of report and presentation.
Your proposal should include:
- Introduction
- Problem statement
- Research questions and research objectives iv Research contributions
- Literature review
- Underpinning theories vii Hypothesis development viii Conceptual framework
ix Methodology -data collection method, sampling, measurement
You can choose from the potential topics below:
- Workforce/Customer safety and security
- Enterprise agility
- Occupational safety and health
- Mental health
- Moral disengagement
- Value co-creation
- Sharing economy platforms/users
- Consumer food practices during post Covid 19
- Service recovery experience
- Green energy technologies and eco-friendly
- Entrepreneur education and training
- Deviant behaviour
- Digital transformation
- Firm sustainability
*** Topic need to be finalised by week 2- discuss with your lecturer
Based on the assigned topic, students are required to conduct a research project and write a research proposal –the Introduction section based on the following structure.
- Research Background
√ Discuss the background of the research that will be conducted. The research must be within the assigned topic. Establishing the context, background and/or importance of the topic
- Problem Statement
Discuss the research problem that will be investigated. List down the main problems and the related sub-problems.
√ Establishing the context, background and/or importance of the topic.
√ Justify why these problems need to be addressed and what are the consequences of not addressing it.
- Research Objectives and the Scope of the Research
√ What are the objectives of the proposed research? The discussion of the objectives must be addressing the problem.
Assignment 3 [Marks: 10%]
Based on the assigned topic, students are required to conduct a research project and write a research proposal –the Introduction section based on the following structure.
- Research contributions
√ Identify and explain the research contributions from the perspective of theoretical, managerial, empirical and methodological.
- Scope of the Research
Indicate the scope of the proposed research. The scope must be realistic and researchable
Assignment 4 [Marks: 15%]
Based on the assigned topic, students are required to conduct a research project and write a research proposal –the Literature Review section based on the following structure.
- Provide a CRITICAL REVIEW of the literature in the proposed research areas/topics.
- Identify and explain the underpinning theories
- At least 25 related literature (articles) is required, including recent
- Discuss relevant findings, methodology and major conclusions from previous studies.
- Clarify continuity and similarity/disparity between earlier and recent study. It will help you identify the research gaps in the literature and provide both theoretical and empirical support to justify your proposed conceptual framework.
- Organized review according to themes, or variables to be tested, or research Should start at a more general level (e.g. theories) before narrowing down, e.g. variables to be tested.
- You can also put/organize the information into a table that will illustrate your
Note: The literature review is NOT just recitation of previous research. Outline the weakness of previous research (if there are any) and explain how you propose to overcome them in your research. Address any controversial issues.
Assignment 5 [Marks: 10%]: Presentation 1: 5% Write-up 5%
Based on the assigned topic, students are required to conduct a research project and write a research proposal –the theoretical framework and hypotheses development section based on the following structure.
Based on your preliminary findings through the review of articles in your literature review section:
- Identify the variables to be examined in the
- Explain the expected relationship among
- Justify the choice of
- Draw a diagram to identify and show the relationship between the independent, dependent, moderator and/or mediator variables.
- Present the framework in a diagrammatic format to show how the variables/elements are inter-related.
- Provide an operational definition for each of the variables or
- Based on the theoretical framework, formulate the main hypotheses of the Hypotheses must be properly worded (see published articles for examples).
Note: Each group should present their framework in class. The presentation should not be more than 10 minutes. The framework must use proper symbols/arrows to indicate the variables- independent, dependent, moderator and/or mediator variables if any, by properly locating their position in the diagram.
Assignment 6 [Marks: 10%]
Based on the assigned topic, students are required to conduct a research project and write a research proposal –the research methodology section based on the following structure.
Discuss how the research will be executed to achieve the proposed research objectives. The methodology should be based on the methods that are used in the research area to conduct the research. The methodology selected must be able to achieve the listed research objectives. Please refer to any thesis, journals and conference papers prior to choosing the appropriate methods to conduct the proposed research. Provide at least TWO (2) literatures to justify the selected methods.
- Research design
- Population and Sampling
√ Target population
√ Sampling technique
√ Sample size
Assignment 7 [Marks: 10%]
Based on the assigned topic, students are required to conduct a research project and write a research proposal –the research methodology section based on the following structure.
- Data Collection
√ Primary data: Propose your data collection method eg. Online survey, personal administered questionnaire etc.
√ Discuss how the questionnaire is developed.
√ Indicate the measurements, scales and sources used in the questionnaire.
√ Attach the survey questionnaire.
Assignment 8 [Marks: 5%] Presentation 2
Based on the research proposal each group is required to make a video presentation of the methodology section. Provide at least TWO (2) literatures to justify the selected methods. Explain the operational definition, the measurement/scales and source for all the constructs/variables in the proposal. Evaluate the appropriateness of the measurement method used.
Presentation Duration for each group: 7 min ONLY.
Use a consistent style of referencing (follow America Psychological Association- APA format) or Gaya UKM referencing and citation format.
All articles, books mentioned in the text must be cited in the references section. The questionnaire source must be cited in the references. The references section should at least consist of a minimum of 40 references including all of the following: books, journals, online resources and magazines. At least 25% of the references must come from 2018 onwards.
Tips 1: You should provide an in-text citation whenever you quote, paraphrase or summarize research and ideas that are not your own.
General Knowledge (No citation necessary) “The flu is an airborne virus”
Fact from a resource (citation necessary).
“The drug Tamiflu was developed by a company named Roche following an outbreak of H5N1 in China (Grice, 2007)”
Tips 2:
Use “et al.” when citing a work multiple times which has three, four, or five authors. In the first citation, list all of the authors. In the following citations, list only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” and the date.
Example: The first study (Bogdon, Halburd, & Masterson, 2013) demonstrated findings that differ from commonly held beliefs. The study (Bogdon et al., 2013) showed that…
Souce: (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/refer ence_list_author_authors.html)
Project Requirements:
Please adhere to the following requirements for the project submission standard format:
- Font size: 12;
- Font type: Times New Roman;
- Line Spacing: 1 ½; and justified
- Margin – default setting;
- Number of pages: not more than 40 pages (text and important figures only) excluding references, and cover
Bahasa Melayu or English Notes:
- Assignments should be submitted according to the fixed date-by week 15
- Plagiarism is not
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