Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment
- Choose one policy to write.
1- Increasing retirement age in Australia
2- exclusion of children without full vaccination from public schools
3- tobacco plain packaging enforcement policy
- Introduction
- Policy context, content
- Target population
- Health impacts
- Equity dimension
- Links between equity,
health impacts &
- Core Questions
- Stakeholders
- Opportunities for change
& Justification
Components of ‘WHAT’:
- Establishing terms of reference (core values)
- Clear equity dimension in line with aim of HIA
- Proposing causal pathways for potential health impacts –link to target population
Components of ‘WHO’:
- Steering committee
Components of ‘HOW’:
- Project plan
- Methods for information
Impact identification
Components of detailed policy /prog analysis:
- Profiling target
- Focus on SES and SEP
Equity dimension
- Evidence on impact of
policy/ program
- Stakeholder consultation
- Summary of findings
Impact assessment
- Synthesize evidence collected during Step 3
- Map/ critically assess the evidence in a structured and clear format
- Core questions
- Make judgements about
implications of evidence from an equity perspective
- Prioritize the impacts
- Define scope for
- At least ONE recommendation for each identified health impact, AND for each target population group
- Solution focused suggestions, aiming to reduce the potential for inequality identified throughout the HIA
- Practical and Prioritized according to Step 4
- Proper evidence (with references) to support the recommendations
Word limit 3600
APA reference style
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