Essay Assessment Task

Write a 2,000  word essay covering the points below. Your essay should cite a minimum of ten recent high quality sources including at least six peer-reviewed articles. Your essay should demonstrate critical thinking about the topic .


Choose a communicable disease in a named country (other than Australia) and discuss the following:

  1. The public health significance of the chosen communicable disease in that country including effects on health and socioeconomic impact
  2. Note any sections of the population of the country that are at particular risk.
  3. Describe the prevention strategies that the country has used.
  4. Is the condition well under control? Why and why not?
  5. Suggestion on control and prevention measures for this disease in Australia.




  • Significance of Public Health Issue:

Excellent description of PH significance. Strong substantiation from literature

  • Description of Prevention Strategies:

Comprehensive and detailed description of prevention strategies. Strong evidence base

  • Assessment of Control Status:

Integrated critical review of control measures. Strong evidence base.

  • Proposed control and prevention measures in Australia:

Thoughtful, well-articulated and insightful description of the Australian context. Strong evidence base.

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