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Clinical leadership Assignment

Aim: This assessment provides the student the opportunity to apply and evaluate leadership styles in a scenario involving a change process.


A recent state-wide quality improvement project has shown that an electronic medical record system improves com-munication between health care providers and many aspects the individual patient’s care. In order to share this knowledge, the state organisation has shared the results on a quality improvement website.

The Local Health District that you work for has recently had some critical incidents where communication has been cited as a root cause. These critical incidents occur in the context of a general increase of minor communication incidents over the last three years.

The Local Health district’s executive team including the senior Nurse Leaders have reviewed the information on the state’s quality improvement website.

The Nurse Leader of the two hundred bed hospital you work in calls the Nurse Unit Managers for a meeting and advises of the general trending increase in communication errors. The Nurse Leader advises that the computer hardware and systems will be available for installation in two months and that there is an expectation that all wards will have adopted the electronic medical record system within six months.

Discuss how an effective Nurse Unit Manager would lead this change to address this important patient safety issue. The essay will need to:

– Discuss reasons, using support from the literature, to adopt the fully electronic medication system  * Correction*  this should read  electronic medical record system

– Use Lewin’s model to outline a plan of change that includes milestones and timeframes

– Choose and apply a leadership style to the plan of change

.– Critically evaluate the choice and compare with at least one other leadership style

– Describe two aspects of potential resistance and discuss how the resistance might be addressed. 

Below from the PCAL’s webinar guide on how to do the essay. APA 7 style refencing please!

Aim: This assessment provides the student the opportunity to apply and evaluate leadership styles in a scenario

involving a change process.


A recent state-wide quality improvement project has shown that an electronic medical record system improves communication between health care providers and many aspects the individual patient’s care. In order to share this knowledge, the state organisation has shared the results on a quality improvement website.

The Local Health District that you work for has recently had some critical incidents where communication has been

cited as a root cause. These critical incidents occur in the context of a general increase of minor communication

incidents over the last three years.

The Local Health district’s executive team including the senior Nurse Leaders have reviewed the information on the

state’s quality improvement website.

The Nurse Leader of the two hundred bed hospital you work in calls the Nurse Unit Managers for a meeting and

advises of the general trending increase in communication errors. The Nurse Leader advises that the computer

hardware and systems will be available for installation in two months and that there is an expectation that all wards

will have adopted the electronic medical record system within six months.

Discuss how an effective Nurse Unit Manager would lead this change to address this important patient safety issue.

The essay will need to:

– Discuss reasons, using support from the literature, to adopt the fully electronic medication system

Some drivers of change in health care

Obvious benefits of a new technology or knowledge

A shared vision to provide high quality care to patients

Excellent communication

Embracing resistance

Work cultures that  normalise change and  encourage participants to be actively involved

providing the necessary support for people to enact change

– Use Lewin’s model to outline a plan of change that includes milestones and timeframes

Change Theories

Lewin (1951)

Force-Field Model

  1. Unfreeze.
  2. Move.
  3. Refreeze

Kotter’s (2007) well-known eight steps for organizational transformation:

  1. Establish a sense of urgency
  2. Form a powerful guiding coalition
  3. Create a vision
  4. Communicate the vision
  5. Empower others to act on that vision
  6. Plan for and create short-term wins
  7. Consolidate improvements and produce more change
  8. Institutionalize new approaches

– Choose and apply a leadership style to the plan of change.

– Critically evaluate the choice and compare with at least one other leadership style

– Describe two aspects of potential resistance and discuss how the resistance might be addressed.

Barriers and resistance

A perceived threat

A lack of understanding regarding the nature of/ need for the change

Fear- self-confidence and self-esteem

A disagreement about the potential benefits


 Overt or covert resistance

Lack of support or resources for the change

Read  about the Challenge of change in

Wilcox, J (2018) The Challenge of Change in Zerwekh, J., Nursing Today : Transition and Trends. 9 ed. St. Louis, MO : Elsevier

Note: cannot link to a section in a chapter in this eBook – there is a link to the chapter  and you need to scroll to section 'The challenge of change' and then read on till the end of the chapter ( a few pages) .

Read about the benefits of change in pages 195-208  from chapter 13 in

Cantwell S  (2017) Understanding the Benefits of Change- Chapter 13 in Dahlkemper, T. Nursing Leadership, Management, and Professional Practice for the LPN/LVN, 6e.6th ed. 2017. Web. Pages 195-208

Read about complexity and non- linear change on pages 37-45 and about leading change on pages 48-49 in the following

Complexity, change and non-linear change 

Marshall, E,S.  and Broome, M.E, (2017) chapter 2 Understanding contexts for Transformational Leadership: Complexity, Change and Strategic Planning in  Transformational Leadership in Nursing- chapter 2 37-45- Marshal E. S, New York Springer Publishing Company. second edition  

Read this article about a change project

Thorpe, R (2015) Planning a change project in mental health nursing. Nursing Standard Vol 30(1) P. 38-45

There is an additional slide featuring change agents traits  from the  Marshall, E. S., & Marion, E. B. (2017). Transformational Leadership in Nursing  reading.



The Introduction includes an expertly constructed thesis, and provides an exceptional, clear, comprehensive and concise overview of all major concepts and issues to be addressed in the body of the work.

Discuss reasons, using support from the literature, to adopt the fully electronic medical record system 

Outstanding concise discussion of reasons to adopt the fully electronic medical record system.

Outstanding support from the literature provided.

Use Lewin’s model to outline a plan of change that includes milestones and time frames

Excellent plan of change outlined that includes milestones and time frames

Application and critical evaluation of the leadership style in the context of the plan of change.

Comparison with another leadership style

Outstanding application and evaluation of a leadership style in the context of the plan of change.

Expert comparison with at least one other leadership style.

Describe two aspects of potential resistance and discuss how the resistance might be addressed.

Exceptional, description and discussion of aspects of potential resistance and outstanding discussion of how resistance might be addressed


Outstanding, clear, concise, conclusion, which includes original pertinent insights; draws upon all significant points raised in the essay and draws these together in an expert manner.

Expert's Answer

There has been considerable increase in the implementation of electronic medical health records in hospitals around the globe. They hold a great potential by improvisation of patient safety and care quality being provided by the medical professionals. As specified by a report on Data Standards for Patient safety by the Institute of Medicine, the basic components of the electronic medical health record systems include, but are not limited to: longitudinal collection and management of health information electronically; making immediate access to these electronic records possible for the authorized users at both individual as well as population levels; improvisation of care quality by providing decision support and knowledge provision; and, providing appropriate support for efficient delivery of health care (Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Data Standards for Patient Safety, 2003; Kukafka et al., 2007; Simon et al., 2005).

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