Farm Bank Case Study Report Assignment Help

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The objective of this analysis is to critically examine and assess the situation at Farm Bank which is an established banking institution. The entity specializes in the disbursement of farm loans to individuals that are seeking to establish their agricultural businesses and farmers that seek to expand the current scope of their operations. In a bid to modernize and streamline their operations, the bank installed a comprehensive management information system (MIS). The goal of integrating this framework was to optimize operations by reducing the time that is spent to provide necessary information to various stakeholders. The discussion provides an assessment of the problems that the bank faced and presents an analysis of the organization systems that it impacted. Viable alternatives to this decision are also explored by weighing the pros and cons that are linked with it. In conclusion, the report presents recommendations by outlining the plans, interventions and implementation processed related to the solution. 

2.0 Causes of the Problem 

2.1 Absence of Useful Information 

As noted by Rao (2012) it is important to comprehend the need to establish MIS systems that comply with the knowledge management requirements of a company. After all, an organization ultimately seeks the implementation of these frameworks and solutions to streamline its operations and improve the delivery of information to stakeholders. In the case of Farm Bank, it was imperative to keep an eye on objectives which were expected to be achieved through the implementation of this mechanism to allow decision-makers to understand whether their delivery was successful or not.  

The challenges linked with the transferability of tacit knowledge make the implementation of management information systems challenging (Gascoigne and Thornton (2014). Holste and Fields (2010) state that tacit knowledge is difficult to transmit across MIS channels because it can be interpreted differently depending upon who the end user of the information. In case of Farm Banks, the results of the survey data revealed that some individuals had issues in making sense of the data which was being presented and therefore found it to be less useful. This indicates how the system was ineffective in transmitting information. Tacit knowledge symbols are more readily applied to allow the firm to sustain and promote its leadership objectives, they also allow a firm to engage in constant innovation and promote creativity which Farm Bank was unable to owing to the failure of the management information system which was implemented at the firm. 

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