FIN20016 Assigment-2A

FIN20016: Ethics and International Finance unit requires every student to submit Assignment 2A and 2B. This is a major assignment (Assignment-2A and 2B) for this unit and every student must submit the assignment on due date and time. please make sure you submit the assignment on time and the submission needs to be done through online via CANVAS. The unit will use Turnitin software to check the plagiarism issue for every assignment. If you have any concern regarding your assignment you must seek assistance from your class tutor/lecture. The final report of this assignment (Assignment 2A) is worth 10%.



The Learning Outcomes of this assignment are:

  1. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the various exchange rate regimes and apply theories of exchange rate determination in international financial


  1. Communicate effectively and discuss the role of technology in reshaping the international finance



Please note each assignment should include the following sections to be accepted:

  1. Assignment Coversheet with student’s information
  2. Please upload assignment Coversheet separately from the assignment in Canvas
  3. You must follow the guideline of the assignment. (please see next page)
  4. References: must use Harvard referencing style (if any)


Case Study in Global Trade and Foreign Exchange (10 marks)

Current issues affecting Australia’s foreign policy.



As with most other nations, Australia has evolved its trade policies over its history. Australia’s ‘tyranny of distance’ and reliance on maritime trade have always been a constraint upon the level of trade conducted, but its vast resources have made it a major exporter of raw materials and agricultural products. Free trade has been and will continue to be, a key driver of the country’s economic success.

Despite an increase in anti-globalisation sentiment over the past 5 years, Australia has continued to seek friendly trade arrangements with willing parties. This has not always been ‘smooth-sailing’.


Provide a detailed analysis of one (1) of the below trade issues facing Australia.

  1. China’s recent trade retaliation
  2. Australia and push for CANZUK trade alliance in a post-Brexit world
  3. CPTPP, RCEP and beyond
  4. Tourism: Impacts of Covid-19 and a volatile Australian dollar Your analysis should include:
    1. a brief historical summary of the issue
    2. the current state of affairs of that issue
    3. impacted industries and countries
    4. some statistical information (data to support your argument)
    5. a recommended course of action for the Government and other policymakers


  • PowerPoint slides with video and voice embedded
  • The face of the presenter should be
  • Duration: 12 minutes (+/- 1 minute)
  • 14 slides (+/- 2 slides PLUS a reference list and appendix if required)
  • The slides must be visible in the presentation
  • Please upload the presentation/slides to Canvas Only (single file)
  • No email submission will be

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