Global Health Diseases Infographic and recorded Video Presentation
Health communication is a key aspect of public health communication using oral and written media. Visual communication of global health concerns has the ability to reach a wider audience, and persuade change.
This assessment has two parts: the first is for the submission of a global health diseases infographic (80% of overall marks for this assignment), the second component is for a recorded presentation of the infographic (20% of overall marks ).
- Students are required to develop an infographic on a disease of global significance and of their choice. The infographic would cater to a largely non-academic audience using a visually appealing layout and presentation of key scientific information. The infographic should provide at a minimum: key statistics about the disease, population risk factors, and key policies in place to reduce it along with global goals if any. The impact of COVID on the disease should be referenced as a special section. Lastly, there should be an attempt made to link the disease information to an Australian audience( What should someone living in Australia know about the disease and how it affects them.
You can develop the infographic using PowerPoint or a range of free software(not limited to the following:
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- The infographic should be a one-page design in landscape or portrait mode. Use headings and subheadings for the infographic ( formatting is open to students)
- References need to be used and cited using Vancouver(numbering style). Provide the reference list separate from the infographic in Ms word or in PowerPoint.
- You will therefore submit the infographic, and video recording of the infographic using PowerPoint format (insert your references on a separate slide)
- Review these global health websites to see infographics( note what makes the infographic appealing and the way information is presented. Remember that not all published infographics are good!)
- WHO- (Links to an external site.)
- The GBD data site allows you to use data to come up with graphs and data visualization- (Links to an external site.)
- The British Medical Journal (BMJ) publishes open access peer-reviewed articles, and have listed infographics on their site (Links to an external site.)
- 10 ways to use infographics
for presentation: only 3-5 min please write note for me to use it in presentation
- explain the infographic
- talk about what inspired your design and how you approached it.
- in the presentation, the student will share the salient points of the infographic such as 1-2 key disease facts, why the disease was selected, lastly, the infographic design approach and inspiration. In the recording, PG students should also share one aspect of how they would measure the success of their poster if it was released to the community.
Infographic Content:
The infographic includes all of the required information as outlined on the assignment sheet in an exceptional manner.
The infographic is exceptionally appealing in terms of design, layout, and neatness.
Evidence of research:
Exceptional use of research from varied sources (atleast 8). All resources have been cited using Vancouver
Use of visual materials:
Great use of visual materials to support information in infographic. Visual materials add to the content of the infographic
A confident speaker who knows the material and speaks to the audience. No use of notes and speaker engages with the audience exceptionally well with good eye contact, voice modulation to stress the key points.
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