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Question & Answers

Group Oral Presentation Task


Assessment Weight:               10%

Groups:                                 No more than three students per team.

Length:                                 5 - 7 minutes per team

Submission Date:                 Sunday, 3 May 2020, 11:55pm


Choose a major data breach that has happened in recent years and evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation's response. According to your evaluation, should the organisation have handled the breach differently?


In preparing your presentation, you should be guided by the Rubric below.

Relevant Subject Intended learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate various oral and written skills necessary to successfully communicate and engage with others in a multicultural university environment.
  • Produce an extended oral presentation with appropriate English language and discourse strategies, which critically analyses the impact of a big idea on business today.

Relevant Topic Intended Learning outcomes:

  • Design a presentation, which presents your evidence-based argument in a logical manner.
  • Utilize digital tools and visual aids to better communicate your argument and its


  • Produce a 5 — 7 minute video presentation in response to the task.
  • Each team member must speak in the video presentation (minimum 2 minutes each).
  • Style of the video: There are no restrictions. Possible approaches include (but not limited to) the following:
  • Voice over presentation (or narrated slide show)
  • A scripted short clip/film
  • Deliver a presentation in front of a camera
  • Provide a full reference list of resources used.

Submission Instructions

  • Upload the video to YouTube (see 'How to Submit a Video Presentation')
  • Complete the Submission File (see 'Submission File Template')
  • Complete the Academic Integrity Assignment Declaration Form
  • Copy and insert the web address for your uploaded video
  • Include a script of your video
  • Enter your group number in the Footer section
  • Save your file as: Group #_Video Presentation. Replace # with your own group
  • Upload the Submission File in Word Document format as usual via the assignment submission link on the LMS.

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