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Your task is to prepare a report of 1500 words based on the following scenario:
Your CEO has requested you to ascertain whether or not she/he should expand the company by opening a new branch in another Australian capitol city. You are required to:
a. State which city you are currently in, i.e. which Holmes campus you are studying at.
b. Choose and state the other city that you will consider expanding to (with valid reasons).
c. Choose an industry in which your business operates (and explain whether retail, manufacturing, or services)
d. Explain some basic facts about the company and its brand positioning (this could be an existing brand or a hypothetical one)
e. Research relevant secondary data that will be useful in informing the decision (at least 6 references, of which at least 3 must be academic journal articles. [In your reference list, ensure that you provide the details of each reference in Harvard style, plus the URL of anything you accessed online, and the date on which you accessed it)
f. Decide what primary data will be needed and state how you would go about collecting it (also append your questionnaire)
g. Explain how the data will be analyzed and interpreted (i.e. if qualitative, what themes you expect to find; if quantitative, what statistical models do you intend to apply)
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