HLTINF001 Comply With Infection Prevention and Control Policies and Procedures - Case Study Assignment Help

Case Study 1

You are working as an EN in the Medical ward at the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne. You are allocated a patient for the shift, Mr Pritchard Mr. Prichard has been unwell for the past 5 days with a progressive cough with sputum, fever, running nose, headache and body aches. He was admitted to the Medical ward today with the diagnosis of Influenza B. As he is weak, he needs assistance with Activities of Daily living ADL’S. While you assessed Mr Prichard’s vital signs, he was coughing, sneezing and spitting sputum everywhere and started vomiting. The sputum and the vomitus soiled the linen, floor and the saturation monitoring device

1. Answer the below questions:

A) Identify the hand hygiene practices which should be performed when caring for a patient like Mr Prichard?

B) When should hand hygiene practices be performed?

C) Why are hand hygiene practices important in healthcare environments?

D) Why is it necessary to cover any cuts or abrasions on your hands?

2. What are the appropriate PPE and additional precautions you should implement while caring for Mr Prichard to prevent the transmission of infection?

3. Answer the below questions:

A) Identify the clean and contaminated zones in this scenario. Explain why it is important to confine clean materials, equipment and instruments to the clean zone and contaminated material, equipment and instruments to the contaminated zone.

B) What materials, equipment and instruments should be confined to a clean zone?

C) What materials, equipment and instruments should be confined to the contaminated zones?

4. Mr Prichard was diagnosed with influenza. What is the risk associated with this hazard? What is the likelihood of harm (i.e. rare, unlikely, possible, likely or almost certain) and the severity of harm (i.e. negligible, minor, moderate, major or catastrophic) associated with this hazard?

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5. Identify appropriate control measures/s (e.g. eliminate, substitute, engineering controls, administrative controls, personal protective equipment) to minimise this risk associated with Mr Prichard influenza.

6. As an EN how do you document or report the hazards identified as a risk either to you, clients, visitors and / or other workers?

7. Give two (2) examples of standard respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette procedures and state why they are important.

8. When caring for Mr Prichard, name three measures, including placing appropriate signs, that you would take to prevent transmission of infection.

9. Identify at least three (3) control measures to minimise risk of the infection hazards in this work environment?

10. Identify at least four (4) measures to remove the body fluid spill from the floor and minimise the contamination of material, equipment and instruments by aerosols and splatter, in accordance with standard policies and procedures

11. Identify the procedure that should be followed for cleaning frequently touched areas of Mr Prichard’s environment (e.g. bed, bedside table and chair).

12. Identify the procedure that should be followed for handling, transporting and processing linen in a manner that controls the spread of infection.

13. Identify the procedure that should be followed for disposing of soiled dressings?

14. State three (3) procedures that should be followed for handling and cleaning client equipment (e.g. obs machine, saturation monitor and thermometer), that prevents skin and mucous membrane exposures, contamination of clothing and the transfer of pathogens?

15. In this scenario, you were exposed to a patient’s sputum and vomitus. This is an event which may place you at risk. What are the protocols which should be followed for care after exposure to blood or other body fluids? To whom will you report this incident, and how?

Case Study 2

Sue has recently been employed as an EN. She has only been working in the industry for six months. On arriving at work last week, she received a patient named Gwen. Her colleagues soon informed her that Gwen has scabies and that strict infection control procedures would have to be put in place to prevent the spread of the infection. Sue was uncertain as to what would be required

16. Identify the infection risk that Sue needs to be aware of when contacting the patient

17. What reporting procedures should be undertaken?

18. Outline five (5) standard and additional infection control procedures that Sue would be required to follow.

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