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This essay gives us an overview of the survey conducted by a Dutch psychologist, Hofstede. He was the first to investigate a cross cultural survey on employees of a multi-national company. He linked culture with worker’s value in a company that how culture influences the worker’s work ethic. Many scholars than replicated their studies on the bases of Hofstede’s study, his publication have been cited a bunch of times. In this essay religions like Hinduism and Confucian have been highlighted that how the characteristics of both of the religions impacts the business attitudes of the employees.
Geert Hofstede is a well-known German psychologist who conducted two surveys from 1967 to 1973 in the IBM Company; it is a famous multinational company whose headquarter is in the United States. He monitored over 116 thousand workers, which was considered the most large-scale survey conducted on worker’s cultural morals in that era. When his study ended, he concluded that culture is not considered as a separate characteristic in every human being rather than culture is a joint psychological procedure shared by individuals who have the same educational background and real-life experiences which differs from diverse ethnicities, nations and areas. Subsequently, he introduced four main cultural concepts that are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and collectivism and masculinity and femininity. It is clear the notions introduced by the Hofstede had a massive impact on multicultural ground and the whole procedure that chose IBM, a multinational organization as primary sources for investigation. This study indirectly has a corresponding opinion with the survey of multi-cultural corporate etiquette’s dissimilarities (Hong-xin & Gao-feng, pp. 204, 2017).
So, in short according to Hofstede culture is an encryption in the people’s mind. Many scholars conducted their research on the bases of this theory of culture and his theory was altered. China wasn’t included in the original theory however, Chinese scholars included the culture of Confucian and the cultural notion was named: the Confucian dynamism or temporary vs long term inclination (Hofstede & Bond, 1984 as cited in Techo, 2017).
After the inclusion of one of the ethnicities of China that is Confucian a new concept came into being after the alteration of the theory. It has been observed among the Chinese that they gave utmost importance their work comparatively than the people in Western countries. This type of work ethic has been seen in the individuals who practice Confucianism that’s why this new concept is after this ethnicity. This resulted in an influx of income and tangible wealth, which is now of a great importance in the Chinese society. However, a major consequence of the rise in income of the people have resulted in competitiveness in the organizations and firms and also the introduction of the gift giving acts like guanxi (Chen & Starosta, 1997 as cited in Techo, 2017).
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