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Question & Answers

HOST201 Hospitality and Tourism

Subject Title Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
Subject Code HOST201
Lecturer / Tutor Alex Menge
Semester April, 2020
Assessment Title AT2. Assessment 2-Case Study Analysis and Presentation
Course Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes 3, 4 and 5
Assessment Type Case Study Analysis and Presentation
Weighting 30% (case study 20% & presentation 10%)
Word limit 1500 to 2000 words
Due date 11.59pm Friday, Week 9
Submission type Via the respective Turnitin drop boxes on the Course Hub

You will make your presentation to the class in the online classroom at a time allocated by your tutor

Format/ Layout of Assessment PDF file (.pdf) for the report

PDF file (.pdf) for the presentation slides or other graphics

Topic &

Assessment instructions

Hypothetical Problem

You have been employed in the position of food and beverage (F&B) manager at Luna Park Sydney for the last 2 years (since May 2018). You are now faced with the global viral pandemic COVID-19, this has forced you to close all hospitality outlets up until today.

It was announced that the government has lifted some restrictions on food and beverage operations, so you are planning to reopen your F&B operations.

In your position of F&B manager at Luna Park evaluate the management problems that you will face over the next twelve months of reopening each F&B outlet that was operating (see list below) at Luna Park before COVID-19.

Case Study

In your case study develop strategies for addressing the problem by applying theories and concepts studied in this course up to week 9.

You will need to support your case study with findings from various credible sources that are current and relevant to the topic. This may include hospitality and tourism; personnel, product suppliers, newspapers, magazines, journal articles, textbooks, internet, media, general stakeholders. Be sure to reference your sources, recommended 10 sources.

Your case study should include a SWOT and PESTEL analysis to support your evaluation and development strategies. As part of the macro environment be sure to cover the legislation (current and predicted changes) set out by the government regarding hospitality and tourism.

Venues at Luna Park Sydney where food and beverage was offered before COVID-19: ( events)


Exhibitions and Trade Shows Conferences and Meetings

Cocktail Parties

Brand and Product Launches Awards and Gala Dinners Corporate Family Days Breakfasts and Lunches Private Parties

Groups and Team Building Weddings

Summary of topics studied in this course up to week 9

·      Industry structure and stakeholders

·      Challenges in food and beverage management

·      Attractions sectors

·      Transport sectors

·      Workforce and ethical management issues

·      Consumer behaviour and marketing in the hospitality and tourism contexts

·      Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

·      Future developments for hospitality and tourism, innovation and trends

You will also present your case study to the class by way of an oral presentation.

Based on the case study analysis, students will make a 10 to 15- minute presentation to the class during the scheduled tutorial which summarises the findings and analysis of the case study to the rest of the class. This is worth 10% of the total grade.

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