How Culture, Ethnicity and Diversity are Linked to the Social Determinants of Health and the Provision of Health Care - Assignment Help

Viva Voce

Weight: 50%

Type of Collaboration: Individual

Due: Friday 2nd September, 2022 at 1100

Submission: General Submission Requirements.

Format: (1) Video - Record your oral presentation by using Zoom and upload the video to

YouTube. Instructions to upload video in YouTube will be available on university site under

the tab of Assessment 1. The URL for the video is to be provided on the first slide.

(2) Slides for the oral presentation (with the URL for the video on the first slide) is to

be submitted in PDF format through Turnitin. A list of references must be included at the end.

Length: 15 mins

Curriculum Mode: Presentation

Aim of assessment

The aim of this assessment task is to enable students to develop an understanding of how culture, ethnicity and diversity are linked to the social determinants of health and the provision of health care.


You are required to record YOURSELF delivering an oral presentation which addresses the topic of ’A comparison of

TWO different cultural groups in Australia’ that includes:

- Critically compare the social determinants of health as they apply to the two identified cultural groups.

- Differentiate health related risk factors and health issues for people from the identified cultural groups.

- Critically discuss the effectiveness of the provision of health care to address the identified health issues.

- Suggest possible strategies and recommendations to address the deficits.

The presentation time limit is 15 minutes. You can use a slide show (such as PowerPoint or PDF) to support your presentation by sharing your screen. There is no limit on the number of slides, the length of your presentation should not be longer than 15 mins. If you exceed the time limit by more than 10%, the marker will stop marking at 15 mins plus 10%.

Your presentation should be recorded and uploaded to YouTube (instructions will be available on university site. The first page of your slide must include your student name, student number and the URL link to your presentation. The slides need to be submitted via Turnitin. The similarity index generated by Turnitin will be checked for the purposes of detecting potential academic misconduct.

The references will be marked as detailed in the marking rubric. You need to include in-text citations on your slides with a list of references at the end using APA 7th edition referencing style. Students are to use between 12-15 reference sources (minimal), five of which are peer-reviewed journal articles published within the past five years.

References to support your discussion can also include textbooks and evidence-based guidelines produced by expert 8 bodies. Please do not refer to patient information sites or blogs to support your discussion (for example WebMD).

Expert's Answer

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