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HSC318 Rural and remote health

Related Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4

Value 30%

Due Date: Friday week 12 (23:59 pm Darwin time)

Related Learning outcomes 1,2,3,4

Due date:

Friday Week 12 (23.59pm Darwin Time)


5 minute video 'pitch' presentation (+/- 1 minute)


Prepare, deliver and record a presentation related to your project proposal in Assessment 2 to 'pitch' to a funding organisation. The purpose of a 'pitch' presentation is to convince the funding organisation of the value and importance of your grant application.


Timely completion of study materials; research using library resources; research for appropriate PowerPoint designs and illustrative images; research successful presentation styles.


Format of the presentation:

Record yourself giving the presentation (eg; Voice over PowerPoint) include PowerPoint slides

PowerPoint slides should be in 'dot point' format with visual components Include academic references and a reference list summary slide.


Rehearse your presentation before filming

Ensure you engage with the 'audience'. and avoid reading directly from your slides or your notes pages. Remember you are trying to convince the funding organisation of the value of your project proposal. What makes your project 'stand out' from the others?

Present yourself as you would for an interview with a prospective employer.

Assignment Submission:

File name: YourName_StudentNumber_UnitCode_A3. For example Smith.A_S12354_HSC318_A3 Save your submission as a video file and submit in the usual way.

For more details about voice-over PowerPoint refer to:

Assessment criteria:

See Rubric HSC318 A3 Rubric Oral  presentation.pdf Ai

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