HSN740 Research For Evidence Based Dietetic Practice - Assignment Help
This assignment is an opportunity to develop your skills in critical appraisal of scientific literature. The development of critical appraisal skills will support your ability to complete your systematic review and is a vital skill for a practicing dietitian to be able to interpret and apply research findings to practice. You will complete two separate critical appraisal assessment tasks, due at different times, to allow you learn from the feedback you receive for critical appraisal 1.
- Choose one of the journal articles that will be included in your systematic review. Note: If you are not yet at the stage where your included articles are known you can choose any article you have identified through your literature
- Using the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library critical analysis template complete a critical appraisal of your chosen article. This will require you to:
- Complete page 1 of the critical appraisal template by populating the template with the relevant details about your article excluding the section titled ‘reviewer comments’ (500 words)
- Complete the quality criteria checklist (4 relevance questions and 10 validity questions)
- Determine an overall quality rating for the article (positive, negative or neutral) using the guidelines at the end of the template and enter your rating in the appropriate box on page
- In the section titled ‘reviewer comments’ provide a summary explaining why you chose the rating for each of the relevance questions (Q1 to 4) and each of the validity questions (Q1 to 10). For the validity questions this should be an overall summary for the question, you don’t need to individually answer each sub-question e.g. 1, 1.2. 1.3. (500 words)
- Include a copy of the journal article you appraised as an
- Critical appraisal 2 only: Respond to the feedback you received from the first critical appraisal assignment. Your response might include things you found useful and well as things you were already doing but perhaps you hadn’t explained fully or didn’t understand. Were there any areas you found particularly difficult? What tips would you provide or use next time? (300 words)
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