IBS220 Cross Cultural Management Assignment
What is expected?, demonstrate knowledge and application of cross-cultural management issues in a real-life business setting in a culture that is not your own. You choose a scenario, for example, a conflict between governments, something that happened where organizations had to work together, etc. There are many examples In the news of for instance the floods in Germany, or the vaccination supply chain for Pfizer. You choose the topic and remember then to reference the information as you use it. The cultural insight discussion requires an understanding of what is important and what needs to be analyzed when managing different cultures In an International business setting. Then you will write a Cultural Briefing Note.
This is an Individual assignment.
Length: 800-1,000 words
Weighting: 25%.
This task will draw on the course content of Week 1-4. You will be assessed on your ability to, demonstrate knowledge and application of key cross-cultural management issues to show an appreciation, identification, and application of relevant cross-cultural management concepts in cross-cultural business contexts critically evaluate and discuss the implications of conducting business with the culture antl provide practical insights. answer the questions with solid discussions and including a complete argument map. use appropriate evidence and the correct referencing style
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