MMH356 Group Report On Change Management

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Assignment Task:

Locate and read the Ardent Leisure Group (ALG) case study, in the Assignment 2 folder. The organisation is Dreamworld, which is owned by ALG. Noting the past events surrounding and contributing to Dreamworld’s situation, you have now been appointed by Dreamworld as a change management team to complete the following tasks:

  1. Identify a significant change initiative that will enable Dreamworld to regain the trust of its shareholders, employees and most importantly, the public. In providing a rationale for this initiative, you must clearly explain why it has been chosen and what the outcome will be once the initiative has been successfully implemented (ie.  what value will be generated).
  2. A successful change implementation can only be achieved if those parties impacted by the change (ie. stakeholders) are convinced that the change is worthwhile and that the resultant benefits outweigh the costs involved.  In relation to the change selected, you must clearly state who the stakeholders are, how they are impacted and what their level of interest, power and influence is.  (Tip:  The stakeholder grid was covered in the unit and remember that stakeholders could comprise individuals and teams). 
  3. The successful implementation of your change initiative is a critical undertaking for Dreamworld and its parent company Ardent Leisure Group. 
  • Dreamworld has stipulated that you must utilize the PROSCI ADKAR methodology to guide your implementation project. Drawing from the unit content and further research, you must explain and apply each phase of the methodology in detail.
  • Within the above discussion, how will you know the outcome of each phase has been achieved, ie how will you know all stakeholders are aware of the change? Desire the change?

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