Individual Memo Assignment
The government’s stimulus program (Jobkeepers, Jobseekers) has ended, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) revealing this year’s economy’s production of goods and services (GDP) – rebounding by 3.4 per cent, is this sustainable?
Given the above statement: Your manager has asked you firstly, assess the key Macroeconomic Variables and their relevant factors, and then secondly, apply them (the key macroeconomic variables) to the AD/AS Model to determine which phase the Australian economy is in, and then finally comment on the key macroeconomic indicators. (You must follow the above sequence of approach)
Write an individual memo of about 400-500 words (2 pages excluding the reference list) to brief your manager on the current Australian economy, including the AD/AS Model (in ‘word’ document,
2 pages, excluding the reference list, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing). The memo should includefive sections (headings) namely ‘Overview’, ‘the key economic variables’; ‘the AD/AS Model’; ‘the key economic indicators’; and the ‘conclusion’. Referencing and citation are essential.
Analysis is clear and logically structured:
- Current economic situation in Australia is clearly outlined and explained using macroeconomic variables, framework(s) [AE Model, AD/AS Model] and economic indicators.
- Demonstrated awareness of relevant concepts, framework and issues in the analysis.
- Critical engagement with appropriate and relevant literature in the analysis
LANGUAGE (5 marks)
The writing is well expressed; it is comprehensible and coherent throughout. There are no or very few grammatical errors, and vocabulary is appropriate to the context. The sentences and paragraphs have a logical flow and are clearly linked.
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