Individual Position Paper – FIJI’S Position on Undernourishment – Assignment Help

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Executive Summary

Fiji has been a responsible member of the United Nations since it joined the organization in 1970.  It actively participates in the sessions and supports the essential treaties. Just like other countries, Fiji also suffers from the menace of undernourishment. According to an estimate, 4% of its population is undernourished (, 2019).  Even though Fiji’s undernourishment rate is comparatively less than that of other countries, it still feels strongly about it and aims to bring it down to zero. After all, no one deserves to die because of hunger!

The country is a signatory of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The second goal of SDGs calls to "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture". The country is striving hard to achieve this goal by the year 2030.  It also demonstrates strong support for agencies such as World Food Programme, World Bank, The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and International Fund for Agricultural Development.   

Position Options

There are three possible options that can be adopted on the issue of undernourishment. All three available options are interrelated, but the priority of each option needs to be decided. This will require reaching a compromise which is the essence of all transnational agreements.

  • Prioritizing Second Goal of SDGs – Being a signatory of the Sustainable Development Goals, Fiji would reaffirm its support for them.  All signatories should follow suit and take national majors that will help in eradicating hunger. This entails ensuring access to healthy food, curbing malnutrition, and ensuring sustainable food production.
  • Prioritizing Welfare of the Masses – Fiji would further strengthen its support for The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) so that it can continue to strive for eradication of hunger.
  • Prioritizing   Diplomacy – Fiji would advocate following the existing policy frame work rigorously without any alteration. If need be, new and fresh agreements can be negotiated for the greater good.


  1. Increasing focus on the second goal of SDG will tremendously benefit Fiji as undernourishment claimed the lives of around 420 children in the year 2013 alone (, 2019). Hence, by working towards the achievement of this goal, Fiji can eradicate the biggest cause of childhood mortality from its country (, 2019). However, this will mean diverting even more resources towards this particular SDG goal which might make other goals suffer. 
  2. Strengthening The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will help the resource-rich country, Fiji, in utilizing its natural resources in the best possible manner. It will empower the country so that it can use its natural resources to deal with the issue of hunger and undernourishment. However, strengthening the framework of this organization might not equally benefit those countries that are not blessed with many natural resources.
  3. Maintaining existing policy framework will help in ensuring continuity that is likely to result in favorable outcome.  However, this might make the inclusion of new ideas a bit difficult.

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