International Marketing - Report - Assignment Help

you are required to prepare a report for an Australian (based in Australia) company to market its products internationally by comparing the opportunities and threats of TWO countries, and then  decide which of the two is more attractive than the other in order to market your product in.

Conditions for company and countries selection:

The company must be Australian seafood or processed meat company.

Country: Japan

Company: Tessal

Please write about one country

  • Comparative Country and Product Market Attractiveness (12.5 marks [for country A] + 5 marks [for country B])

Assess the macro environment of the two countries as follows:

  • 1 Political environment: political system, including stability (index) and security, safety, crime rate, corruption (transparency).
  • 2 Foreign relations/trade: Is the country open for foreign relations and trade (with Australia)? Trade barriers, regional economic integrations / treaties.
  • Social and cultural environment: population size, Ethnicities, religions, lifestyles (e.g. what is the size of the vegan community?), Hofestede’s cultural dimensions, product (in)compatibility with cultural norms or religious rules, and so on.
  • Economic: including economic strength, stability, GDP/GDP per capita, distribution of income and wealth, forecasts, affluence, purchasing power, inflation, currency value, unemployment rate.
  • Technological: including infrastructure and industrialisation / development level of country, manufacturing,
  • Agricultural (if applicable): Is the country’s environment / climate suitable for farming the product (crops, livestock, etc)?

Assess the micro-environment of the two countries as follows:

Product Market Analysis

  • What is the size of the market in terms of demand? (use the same currency for both countries, USD, AUD)
  • Is it growing and if so at what rate?
  • At what phase is the market in relation to the product lifecycle?
  • Product segments: what types of seafood / processed meat are served in the foreign market? What are the sizes and relative growth rates of these product segments?
  • To what extent is the market supplied by foreign sources? What are the sources of foreign supply?
  • What are the major forms of marketing channels (distribution, retailing) used within the product market?

Competitive Analysis

  • Are there competitors in that market?
  • What form of competitors are these (providing identical products or substitute products)?
  • How many competitors / brands are there in the market?
  • Who are the competitors (brands) and how do they operate?
  • Are the competitors foreign or locally-based?
  • If foreign, what entry strategies are they using?
  • Where do you see your company compared to those competitors (differentiation strategies and positioning)?
  • What are you company’s strengths in comparison to the competitor?

Buyer Analysis

  • Assess buyer behaviour within the identified market segments through consumer analysis (who are they, how do they consume/use the product).
  • Identify and describe your target market segmentation
  • Tourists and
  • Market (Country) Selection with Justification and Opportunity Statement (20 marks)

Briefly outline the major opportunities and threats in both countries, which will mainly come from summarizing the above points (macro and micro analyses) (for example: competitors may be weak in an area and you may find it necessary to fill in the gap or you could be satisfying latent needs).

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