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IoT Developer at HomeSpun IoT

Task One

You have just joined as an IoT Developer at HomeSpun IoT. The first project you have been tasked with is to setup of a demo IoT House for your immediate department head with a remote link to the company Office. The project is divided into 2 parts:

  • Create a Smart Home with the criteria and devices given.
  • Control these smart devices from the Office which is in the same city

The Smart Home includes, but is not limited to the following smart devices: 

  • Ceiling Fan
  • 2x Lamps
  • Siren
  • Front Door Lock                   
  • Motion Detector
  • Web Camera
  • Smoke Detector
  • Thermostat
  • Furnace
  • Air Conditioner (AC)
  • Portable Music Player
  • Bluetooth Speaker

These devices are linked to a Wireless Router, which is linked via an Ethernet cable to a Cable Modem. The modem is connected to the Internet via an ISP known as TPH. All the devices are registered on a Remote Server which can be controlled locally by a Tablet that is also connected to the wireless network. The Remote Server is connected to the Company's Cloud Cluster service (run by Net Servers), as well as an external server that the Smart Home uses for media streaming.              

Ensure that you add all necessary screenshots with the documentation as well as the packet tracer file to be presented to the manager for project approval.

Build and configure the Smart Home. (Refer to the file on the Student Resources named Assignment_2_Help). Save the file as StudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pkt (using your own student ID and first name). A template exists in the Cisco Network Academy IoT Course.

All screenshots for each step with a brief explanation must be included in the document. Once the Assignment is complete, the student must embed the packet tracer file as an object in the word document as StudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pkt                                   

Part A (4 marks)

The home is connected to the Internet Service Provider using a Cable Modem. Once that is in place, Add, connect, enable and configure the registration server, tablet and wireless router for the House. The network must implement secure protocols and techniques.  You should define  a suitable addressing scheme and ensure that your devices get addresses via DHCP where appropriate.

All the devices for the Home as outlined above should be represented in this environment.       

Create a DNS name server to resolve the names of the devices in this environment.  Use DNS (where FirstName is your own first name) to access the connected devices.

Part B (3 marks)

Add the Office in the same city. Either move the same tablet to the Office or use your smart phone and connect to the Office server. You can use any connecting and intermediary devices of your choice. Log on to the web browser on your tablet/smart phone and manage the devices.                  

Use your tablet/smart phone to:                    

  • Turn on the Siren
  • Lock the door
  • Dim one lamp
  • brighten the other lamp
  • Turn on the furnace 
  • Turn on the ceiling fan

Part C (3 marks)

For the final part of this task, embed the following logic in the main office.

  • When the motion detector, detects motion, play music on the Bluetooth Speaker.
  • When the temperature increases, turn on the Air Conditioner, when it is too cold, turn on the furnace (make sure appropriate levels are used).
  • When the motion detector is trigger, sound the siren, take pictures with the WebCam and Lock the Door.

You must demonstrate the operation of each of these criteria.

Task Two

You are given the task of implementing an IoT service by gathering real world data from actual IoT sensors. This scenario will be explained further in your tutorial tasks.

You have recently been appointed to the Beurea of Meteorology (BOM). 

You have been asked to write a piece of software using Python to gather data from the Evens Head IOT sensor. The BOM makes all data available via a standardized web interface. In the case of the Evans Head sensor, this data can be found at

The data returned through this API represents the last three days of sensor data, collected at appropriate intervals by the BOM Fog environment.

Your job is to review how the BOM gathers and presents this data at

You will be mostly interested in understanding the data gathered from individual stations. Once you have done this you are to perform the following tasks.

Part A (2 marks)

Install a Linux environment on your workstation, using a suitable hypervisor e.g. VirtualBox. Be sure to install the Apache Web Server and the Python programming language. If you prefer you can build this server on any Cloud computing environment such as AWS.

Part B (4 marks)

Write a Python Script which uses the Python Requests and JSON module to download the JSON object outlined before. The program MUST process the 3 days of data from this stream and report:

  • the maximum, minimum and average pressure
  • the maximum, minimum and average wind speed

Part C (4 marks)

Modify your Python Program so that it produces a simple web page as its output. Once that is done, place the script in the CGI-BIN directory so that when it is accessed, it provides the user with a web page containing the above information.

The tutorial tasks over the semester will provide you with sufficient insight to complete these tasks.

When completed, you must prepare a document with screen shots outlining the process you have taken to implement the above. You must include a copy of the script used in Part 2 and you must demonstrate your program working.


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to explain and demonstrate various components of Internet of Things (IoT).
  • be able to analyse the role and importance of IoT in the modern world.
  • be able to investigate and propose various requirements of IoT for real world applications.


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Your assessment should be submitted as an MS Word document (with embedded Packet Tracer file). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission. Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in your document.

All textual elements within an assessment must be submitted in a format that is readable by Turnitin. Specific exceptions, where an assessment requires the insertion of image based evidence of workings will be outlined in the context of the assessment. Students that deliberately attempt to insert content of assessments in a format that is not readable by Turnitin may be subject to Academic Misconduct investigations.

References: You MUST use the CSU APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (with in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is not acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.


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To complete this assessment item, you need to complete the Introduction to Packet Tracer course on

Assessment item 3 - Research Report

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Value: 25%

Due Date: 24-May-2020

Return Date: 16-Jun-2020

Length: 4000 words

Submission method options: Alternative submission method


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Choose one of the topics given below and submit a research project, which should not exceed 4000 words. The ITC560 Assign3 Help File Template.doc is available in the Student Resources Folder on Interact2.

Topics to select from but not limited to are:

  • IoT for Sustainability
  • IoT Devices and Next Generation Manufacturing
  • IoT Revenue Model Challenges
  • IoT in the Automotive Industry
  • IoT in the Mining Industry
  • IoT for Independent Living of the Older Generation
  • IoT for Reducing Food Wastage in Australia
  • IoT in Finance Industry and Security Challenges
  • Machine Learning in IoT
  • Future of the Fog Domain
  • IoT and Data Analytics
  • Big Data Challenges in IoT and Cloud
  • M2M Connectivity Architectures for Remote & Rural Areas
  • Utilising Block Chain Technology in IoT
  • IoT in Healthcare
  • Security Challenges of IoT in Healthcare
  • IoT for Smart Learning/Education
  • Fog Computing in 5G
  • Security Challenges of Fog Computing
  • IoT Device Security
  • Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for IoT

If you think of any other related topics please talk to your lecturer before deciding. The use of a Research Report from this or another subject, even if it is your own, is considered Academic Misconduct.  This report must be your own original work for this subject in this session. 

For the Topic you select, you are to prepare a research report, outlining your response to the question using the literature to strengthen your case.

In order to complete this task it is recommended that:

  1. Analyse the Task(Milestone 1: Should be completed by end of Week 5)

    Analyse what is expected of you. This includes careful reading of the assignment task as specified in the Subject Outline. Look at the literature and start collecting at least 10 Journal Articles and/or Conference Papers.
    For Analysis:
    i) What is the purpose of this report?
    ii) What is your position on the topic?
    iii) What is the expected format of the report? (Refer to the format in Interact2 Student Resources: ITC560 Assign3 Help File Template.doc).
    iv) Come up with a Problem Statement based on your topic, note it down and discuss it with your lecturer.

  2. Do the Research: Literature Review(Milestone 2: Should be completed by the end of Week 8)
    This is the main part of the research project and could take more time.
    i) Review of Literature based on past and current work in your topic (download from conference proceedings, journal articles - use Primo search to access more articles and journals - Minimum of 10 journals or articles)
    ii) Structure in chronological order and start summarising.
    iii) Use the literature to formulate an argument supported by evidence.

    3. Final Report (Milestone 3: Submission Due Week 11) NB if you ask for an extension, you will be required to submit the material for the above milestones first.
    Start writing your draft, as you do your research project (Put it all together)
    i) Use the ITC560 Assign3 Help File Template.doc provided in the Student Resources section. Your Report MUST use this format.
    ii) Write the Abstract of the report (Purpose, Scope, Position, Observations, Rationale and Conclusion)
    iii) Modify the Introduction from Milestone 1 if necessary
    iv) Modify the Review of Literature from Milestone 2 if required, based on past and current work in your topic (no more than 3 pages)
    v) Include tables and graphs to support your justification and argument.
    vi) Discuss your research findings with a conclusion.
    vii) Referencing MUST be in CSU APA7 format (this is the new version), using in-text citations (see for guidelines and help).


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to explain and demonstrate various components of Internet of Things (IoT).
  • be able to analyse the role and importance of IoT in the modern world.
  • be able to investigate and propose various requirements of IoT for real world applications.
  • be able to evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT.
  • be able to describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT.

Expert's Answer

After the installation of python (along with vs code extension) and apache web server using Linux through virtual box, python’s json module along with urllib.request libraries were used in order to extract the data accordingly that provided in Commonwealth of Australia (2020).

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