- Work handed in up to five working days late will be given a maximum Grade of Low Third whilst work that arrives more than five working days will be given a mark of
- Work will only be accepted beyond the five working day deadline if satisfactory evidence, for example, an NEC is provided. Any issues requiring NEC:
- The University views plagiarism and collusion as serious academic irregularities and there are several different penalties which may be applied to such offences.
- The Student Handbook has a section on Academic Irregularities, which outlines the penalties and states that plagiarism includes:
- 'The incorporation of material (including text, graph, diagrams, videos etc.) derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another, by unacknowledged quotation, paraphrased imitation or other device in any work submitted for progression towards or for the completion of an award, which in any way suggests that it is the student's own original work. Such work may include printed material in textbooks, journals and material accessible electronically for example from web ' Whereas collusion includes:
- “Unauthorised and unacknowledged copying or use of material prepared by another person for use in submitted work. This may be with or without their consent or agreement to the copying or use of their work.” If copied with the agreement of the other candidate both parties are considered guilty of Academic
- Penalties for Academic irregularities range from capped marks and zero marks to dismissal from the course and termination of
- To help you avoid plagiarism and collusion, you are permitted to submit your work once to a separate drop box entitled “Draft report” to view both the matching score and look at what areas are affected. It is then down to you to make any changes needed.
Turnitin cannot say if something has been plagiarised or not. Instead it highlights matches between your text and other Turnitin content. There is no Good or Bad score, it depends on the piece of work. If you find your text matching there may be a problem, see the examples below:
- The reference section is highlighted. This may mean you have referenced correctly, and this has been matched with other well referenced documents
- A table containing class data is highlighted. This is acceptable as long as any text accompanying the table is not similar picked up as identical
- Paragraphs of text in the introduction or conclusion sections are highlighted. This may mean they have been copied exactly from another source. Even if this source is referenced this is bad practice, see advice below
- A sentence, or part of a sentence is highlighted. Sometimes there are few ways to write a sentence, especially straightforward ones. If this does not occur throughout a paragraph this may be acceptable. There will be occasions where a few words within a sentence produce a match. This is acceptable but ensure that this not a common occurrence or a patchwork of copied statements from different
Overall, when you look at the work, put yourself in the place of the marker. Is a lot of the work highlighted so it does not really look like the author’s work? If so, then you need to work on it some more.
- Assignment 1:
Total is 100% but will be capped to 40% of the overall CWK1 Task
Prepare and present an individual proposal for an innovative Information Technology (IT), Electronics, or Engineering product, or Service that coups form the basis of a new business. This is to be any technology-focussed product, which in your view, has the possibility to be commercialised and for which you can forward a proper justified and valid argument for commercialisation.
NOTE: i. The New Business Proposal is be a maximum of 7 pages with a word count of 2500 words maximum, excluding appendices, table of contents and reference table.
- Draft work will not be reviewed before submission
- Informal or formative feedback will be provided during applicable seminar
A single descriptive grade (e.g. mid-distinction, low commendation etc.) will be given, based on the marking criteria of this document.
- If references (other than the required reading for the seminar task) are included in your work, you should cite references appropriately in your
Information on NTU’s requirements for referencing, and guidance on how to avoid plagiarism are at the Libraries & Learning Resources webpage at this link
- Library staff at both Clifton and City campuses can also help
- Marking Criteria
Prepare a business plan for an Information Technology (IT), Electronics, or Engineering product, or Service that incorporates and applies aspects of engineering or technology.
- Provide a clear and persuasive introduction that provides a clear description of the scope and rationale of an innovative Information Technology (IT), Electronics, or Engineering product, or Service - 10%
- IT Engineering - Excellently designed product / service with characteristics that are demonstrated to be unique and offers a clear value to potential customers - 20%
- Excellent knowledgeable demonstration of sound market analysis that justifies the commercialisation of the product or service - 20%
- An excellently developed new business strategy representing sound development of the business proposal demonstrating that that the business is viable, relevant, sustainable, and profitable – 20%
- An excellent financial plan consisting of a 12-month profit and loss projection supported with a cash-flow projection and a four-year profit and loss projection - 20%
- Use of English word and Academic Referencing Harvard APA 6th Edition – 10%
Total is 100% but will be capped to 40% of the overall CWK1
PLEASE NOTE that any submitted assignment that exceeds the total limit of seven (7) pages will not be marked.
Your task should be prepared and submitted as follows:
- Font size should be Verdana 12, Line and Paragraph Spacing should be 1.5, each section heading is to be in BLACK
- Further guidance of the formal report will be given in the associated seminar session of the
- Diagrams may be used if they help the explanation. A single column justified format should be
- Use of Tables and Figures are allowed. Tables - describing details information as relevant to case study. Figures - illustrating the statistical data and analysis of related information of the case study. NOTE: Figures and Tables are to be appropriately numbered and referred to in the applicable
- Do not forget to record the precise reference of your sources as you find them - saves going back later.
- Use of the Harvard Convention method of citation is required as this is the In the text, a reference to the source is made by using the author's surname and year of publication, with full reference at the end of your paper.
- The library provides an online guide showing how to cite references: ml
- Formative (Whilst you’re working on the coursework)
- You will be given the opportunity to receive informal verbal feedback from your tutor regarding your coursework development during the seminar
Please note that proof reading of reports before final submission will not be entertained.
- Summative (After you’ve submitted the coursework)
- You will receive specific feedback regarding your coursework submission together with your awarded mark when it is returned to
- Please note that feedback provided on your coursework is only for developmental purposes so that you can improve for the next assessment or subject-related
Resources that may be useful:
- Referencing styles please use the Harvard Convention
- Remember to use Outlook or physical calendars to block out time between lectures, seminars, tutorials and to work on this coursework and for submission deadline date.
- The Moderation Process
All assessments are subject to a two-stage moderation process.
- Firstly, any details related to the assessment (e.g., clarity of information and the assessment criteria) are considered by an independent person (usually a member of the module team).
- Secondly, the grades awarded are considered by the module team to check for consistency and fairness across the cohort for the piece of work
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