ISYS2452 Team Task 1: Business Pitch
Course code and name: ISYS2452 Design Thinking and the Digital Startup
Assessment name: Team Task 1: Business Pitch Presentation
Weight: 15% (Presentation 5%, Work Catalogue 5%, Peer Assessment 5%)
Assignment due date: Week 5 - presentation in Week 5 tutorial session (Week starting 16 August)
Feedback mode:
Feedback will be provided on document submitted and at the presentation.
Assessment Declaration:
I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration (Links to an external site.).
Learning Objectives Assessed:
- Use Design Thinking principles and techniques to develop and specify a conceptual proposal for an information systems based business. (BUAN Business Analysis, BPRE Business Process Improvement, REQM Requirements Definition and Management)
- Manage a project using agile project management methods. (PRMG Project Management)
- Incorporate knowledge of the changing environment for information systems based business startups into digital business operations. (BUAN Business Analysis, EMRG Emerging Technology Monitoring)
- Work as a team to develop a digital business strategy
You are to form a group of 2 to 6 people. It is recommended that you have a team of at least 4 members, but smaller groups are allowed. It is also recommended that each group should include at least 2 BIS students. In these groups, you will generate a business idea for a startup company. The deliverable for this is:
- A 5 to 10 minute Business Pitch presentation selling your idea to a potential angel investor. The presentation will take place in the week 6 Tutorial. This presentation will be assessed by your peers (5%) and by your tutor acting in the role of an angel investor (5%).
- Work Catalogue – an informal listing of the research done by the group and the draft documents generated by the group. It also includes your project management records, if you have not used Trello.
Marking Guide for Team Task 1
A template for the presentation is available on the course website. All deliverables are presented via your Work Catalogue on OneDrive. You will be given access to your team OneDrive folder by your tutor in Week 2, once teams have been formed.
You can choose to use this template for your Business Pitch presentation. It is not compulsory to use it and you will need to develop it, as it is a bare-bones outline of what is required: Team Task 1 Presentation Template.pptx
A sample competitive analysis worksheet that you can download CompetitiveAnalysis.pdf.
The Trello application details all the user stories and tasks that you will need to do for Team Task 1. Your tutor will give your team access to your Trello Board in Week 2, once teams have been formed.
Note: All submissions for this assignment are to be done via your team OneDrive folders. You do not have to submit anything via Canvas
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