ISYS2452 Team Task 3: Business Plan

Team Task 3 – Business Plan

You are going to take your business idea and the feedback received on your business pitch and system prototype and use this to develop a full business plan. There are three elements to this task:

  1. Business Plan: Create a business plan document for your digital startup. A template for this document will be provided on the website
  2. Presentation: A 10 minute presentation of your business plan will be done in the Week 13 session (teams can choose to do it in Week 12, if they wish). The context of this presentation is that you are presenting to a group of possible investors and your goal is to sell the investor on the validity of your business and persuade them to funding the development of the business. Marks will be allocated to this presentation. Your presentation will be marked by people from industry who are involved with digital business startups and entrepreneurship.
  3. Work Catalogue: A document detailing the research and thought that you have done. This document does not have to be formally presented, it just has to be a catalogue of the work that you have done to develop your business plan. It does need to include the relevant project management documentation from the Scrum process. all of which except for the release burndown charts are in Trello.

All deliverables should be made available to your tutor in your One Drive directory. A Scrum Board is available for Team Task 3 on Trello listing all the user stories and tasks that you need to do.


Changes to the Business Idea from the Business Pitch/System Prototype

If as a result of your investigation of your business idea, you decide that you wish to modify the idea or in an extreme case, go with a new business idea completely, this is perfectly acceptable, but you should seek advice from your tutor or the lecturer prior to doing this.



Collaboration with other students and groups is encouraged at all times, however, if you use any material from another person or group, then you must clearly label the material with the originator’s name in the deliverable. Failure to name such material will be considered plagiarism. As well, excessive use of material from other students or groups will result in a reduced mark.

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