IT in Supply Chain Management Case Study Report

  • A 1000-word case study report (excluding references).
  • You must identify an interesting application of IT in supply chain management. Ideally, this should be a system developed for a particular organisational context (as opposed to a generally applicable tool such as Anylogistix).
  • Using publicly available material on this application (which must be cited in your report), tell the story of this application, including:

o Motivations for developing this application

o The details of the application
o How well it worked
o It’s deficiencies, if any

  • In addition to an introduction and conclusion, each of the above dot points should constitute a section in your report.
  • This assessment item must be individual work.
  • You must use the Harvard referencing style (see the subject outline for details).
  • You must submit a single file in Word format.

All references should be Harvard style and case study should be with in-text citation

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