IT446 Data Mining and Data Warehousing

Description and Instructions

Part 1. Choose a problem of interest and formulate it into a data mining task for instance, pattern mining, classification, and clustering.          


The answer should include the following:

  • The problem to solve
  • The reason why it is important to solve the problem
  • The expected output
  • Formulate the problem into a data mining task (for instance, pattern mining, classification, and clustering)

[Marks: 1.5]

Part 2. Proposed Approach for Solving the Problem


  • Must include the stepwise procedure to solve the problem

[Marks: 1]

Part 3. Explain the kind of data required and its source.


  • What kind of data will be required?
  • Where and how do you get the required data?
  • Ensure getting data in a timely manner.

[Marks: 2.5]

Part 4. At least two data mining algorithms and evaluation methods must be used to solve the problem.


  • Choose the appropriate data mining algorithms to solve the problems.

[Marks: 2.5]

Part 5. Explain the simulation setup along with the parameter settings. Perform analytical reasoning and interpretation of the result obtained after applying the selected algorithms and evaluation methods.

[Marks: 2.5]

Guidelines for Data Mining Project

General Guidelines:

  • Total Marks = 15
Project Report Presentation Total
10 5 15
  • The aim is to apply the knowledge about data mining techniques to problems existing the real-world. The stepwise procedure for the project would be as follows:
    1. Choose a problem of interest which is to be solved through the data mining.
    2. Develop a problem framework to which mining algorithms can be applied.
  • Gather some relevant data and apply the chosen data mining algorithms to produce the output.
  1. Analyze the outcome and draw comparison on the performance of the selected algorithms.
  2. Prepare and submit a project report of along with the code and data
  • Project Procedure: Following steps are to be completed in order to successfully complete all the requirements of Project activity:
    1. Project Report
    2. Presentation

Details about the project steps are provided below.

Submit the Project Report:                                                                     (10 marks)

Submit the project report including the data, and code. Report must include the following sections:

  • Introduction

Give an introduction to the project, the problem to be solved, brief literature review.

  • Problem Identification

State the problem to be solved with clarity

  • Problem Formalization

Formulate the problem into a data mining task for instance, pattern mining, classification, and clustering

  • Proposed Approach for Solving the Problem

Must include the stepwise procedure to solve the problem

  • Data Sets

Explain the kind of data required and its source

  • Data Mining Algorithms

At least two data mining algorithms and evaluation methods must be used to solve the problem.

  • Results and Discussion

Explain the simulation setup along with the parameter settings. Perform analytical reasoning and interpretation of the result obtained after applying the selected algorithms and evaluation methods.

  • Conclusion

Conclude the project by stating the objectives set, procedure used and result interpretation.

Present the Project:                                                                      (5 marks)

  • Presentation will be at the end of the semester.
  • Your presentation should include all the report’s sections.
  • All group members should present.

Suggested Ideas:

Some of the suggested project ideas are as follows:

  • Find whether a given email is valid or spam
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Classifying suspicious activity over a network
  • Emotion detection in human speech
  • Mining the Twitter platform for product recommendations
  • A system for recommending books
  • Query completion

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