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ITC571 Assessment item 3 Project Title, Abstract, Blog & Progress Reports

Assessment item 3 - Project Title, Abstract, Blog & Progress Reports

Value: 15%

Due Date: Variable Date

Return Date: -

Length: 1 page minimum

Submission method options: Interact2 Discussion Board


You are required to prepare for this Assessment Item by:

  1. READING the Subject outline and ITC571Ebook Quick Start Guide from Interact2 site
  2. COMPLETING Topic 1 Finding a suitable Capstone research project and
  3. PLANNING for your Project and Assessment Tasks in ITC571 early and BEFORE the start of

While this is unusual, it is necessary so that you will be prepared and ready to start from Day

1 of session. You can't afford to delay topic selection and so you should complete Task 1 by the DUE DATE at the end of Week 2 at the latest, as you will fall behind schedule and it can be hard to keep up to date.

The Project Title and Abstract of headings below will guide your thinking on the project.

Task 1 is Submitted as an Interact2 Discussion Forum post or as otherwise informed by your lecturer.


Post a copy of Task 1 into the Discussion Forum in Interact2, before the start of session with your Project Brief (Interim quick plan) AND the address of the Blog site that you will use for project tracking, weekly progress reports and documentation.

Your blog can be an interface holding copies of all your Assessment Tasks in ITC571.

The email message and Discussion Forum posting must be submitted BEFORE Day 1 of session for Approval.

Project Title and Abstract

The project title and abstract is your starting point. It is a document upon which the full Project Proposal and Plan will be based in the next assessment task.

  1. Project Title: 12-15 words maximum
  2. Abstract: 150 words on the list a to e below (as best as you can by end of week 2)
    1. Project Problem Domain: Why are you doing this? Is the Key Research Question ready?
    2. Background/Context/Description: Workplace or personal project?

c.      Project Aim/Objectives:

d.      Deliverables/Outcomes:

e.     Resources: Project Blog Setup

  • Your Project Blog is required for Weekly Progress Reports and other content such as project activities and copies of the Assessment
  • The blog will store entries made by you throughout the subject to document the project stages and milestones, seminar notes and other important
  • On campus Study students: Your local lecturer may advise on a suitable alternative process if studying on-campus.
  • You can use CSU's Thinkspace site at (use your CSU Login ID) or a blog site of your own choice.

CSU Thinkspace is recommended or else Wordpress, Google's Blogger (, but you may also have your own favourite site to use.

  • Setup the site and and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog (e.g. Joe’s Wireless Technology Project) – not your full For WEB ADDRESS - use your student number as your account name (URL) or other unique identifier.
  • Make a first post - a short introduction about you and the project (Who are you? What do you do? What is your Experience and Interest in this Project?) - remember to save, then Publish the blog Check with a friend or family member to ensure that

he/she can see your first posting. This is also to check you have the right URL to include in this proposal and plan for your project.

  • Post a copy of the BLOG address to to the DISCUSSION FORUM in order to share with others and to demonstrate that you are underway in the
  • The blog will be used to assess Task 2 below in Week 12.

Task 2 is a continuing series of weekly reports in your project blog ending in Week 12 OR for on-campus students as an individual discussion with the lecturer in class every week


Weekly Progress Reporting

For each week from Week 2 to Week 12 inclusive, add a blog post for each Weekly Progress Report as described below.


  1. From Weeks 2 to 12 in the Schedule, your weekly reports are completed depending upon the mode of study:
    1. On-campus Study: Present a Weekly Progress Report to class
    2. Online Study: Post a series of Weekly Progress Reports in your
  2. The Weekly Reports will follow the plan your Assessment Item 2 Project Proposal and Plan.
  3. Prensentation will be described by the local lecturer as either in weekly classes or as posted weekly in the Project Blog for Online Study
  4. The template below can be modified for use of choose your own format:



This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and
  • be able to demonstrate advanced communication skills in transmitting their capstone experiences and

The Project Blog helps you to document your project and to "think by writing" as you develop, manage and record the project delivery as well as your "learning journey". This is good knowledge management. While the Weekly Progress Reports are mandated as an assessment item, your blog can contain more posts about the project, interesting resources found, ideas, opinions (yours and those of others), lessons learnt and vital notes on project documentation.


Some students think that they can pass the subject by just submitting the highest value

assessment task assignment.

That is incorrect according to the Subject Outline. Please read the PASS Requirements for ITC571.


This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s (

  • Information and Research Literacies (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates demonstrate that disciplinary knowledge is developed through research and
  • Information and Research Literacies (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate the skills required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and
  • Information and Research Literacies (Application) - CSU Graduates synthesize and apply information and data to different contexts to facilitate planning, problem solving and decision
  • Digital Literacies (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates understand professional, social and cultural implications of the global use of
  • Digital Literacies (Skill) - CSU Graduates use, create, communicate and share multimodal information in digital
  • Digital Literacies (Application) - CSU Graduates ethically, legally, safely and critically use technology to select, create and share information and participate in online learning, professional and social
  • Ethics (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates understand ethical approaches such as rights, utilitarianism and virtue ethics and the need for moral awareness and reflection on moral
  • Ethics (Skill) - CSU Graduates critically reflect on, discuss and challenge the values intrinsic in the different practices in which they
  • Ethics (Application) - CSU Graduates form judgements and apply ethical decision making and reasoning to identify creative solutions to ethical
  • Professional Practice (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates possess the knowledge and understanding of the discipline and the nature of professionalism required for the given profession or discipline in contemporary
  • Professional Practice (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate discipline-specific technical capabilities and self-appraisal required for a beginning practitioner or
  • Lifelong Learning (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates anticipate lifelong learning requirements post-graduation.
  • Lifelong Learning (Skill) - CSU Graduates seek and employ feedback to reflect on performance and outcomes in order to develop as an individual and
  • Lifelong Learning (Application) - CSU Graduates reflect on personal capabilities and develop habits of self-directed learning that will extend beyond student life.


Task 1 is shared with peers and lecturer via an Interact2 Discussion Forum due in Week 2 Task 2 is a series of weekly blog posts due in Week 12 OR In class each week for on-campus students as determined by the lecturer

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