On the basis of the readings from weeks 1-3, write a Review Essay of the ‘Guidance Note of the Secretary-General: United Nations Approach to Transitional Justice’

The essay should be 750 words (+/- 10%). Structurally, the essay must include

  • An introduction that identifies the texts and sets out your approach in reviewing it
  • Main body
  • Conclusion

As a review, the essay shall discuss the Guidance Note and critically engage with relevant aspects of it. As such, it shall include both a (short) summary and an evaluation. You should use the readings for the evaluation. No other materials should be used.

There are several different approaches to the review. You may want to focus on one aspect of the Note that think, on the basis of the readings, is particularly important; or there may be something you think, on the basis of the readings, the Note is missing; or you may want to place the Note in a particular time/phase/idea.


The essay is due 20 March 2022 at 11.59pm.

Submit the essay through Turnitin on the LMS (under ‘Assessment’). Note that Turnitin requires the submission to be in a word document or Pdf. I prefer word document. Students are NOT permitted to submit any assignment by email attachment or in person. Hard copies will not be marked.

Late penalties apply. That is, if the essay is submitted after the due date, the student will incur a penalty of 5% of the total marks available for the particular assignment per calendar day late. For more information students should refer to the La Trobe Law School Policy on late submission of assignments.

Word limit

The essay should be 750 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography.

A leeway of 10% above the word limit applies. Answers that exceed 10% above the word limit will incur a penalty of 5% of the total available marks for every 100 words or part thereof in excess. You must include a word count at the end of your assignment. The word limit includes headings but not footnotes.

Note that all substantial text should be incorporated into the body of your report, not in the footnotes. If substantial text is incorporated in your footnotes it must be included in your word count.

Format and referencing

It is essential that you use appropriate referencing. Referencing should be in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4th ed, 2018), or Harvard. Do ensure that you provide pinpoints/page number in the reference.

The essay must be typed in 12 font and be 1.5 spaced.

The use of headings and/or sub-headings is encouraged.

When quoting another person’s words, it is important to use quotation marks (‘ ‘), cite the source and the particular page from which the quote is extracted. When referring to another person’s ideas and/or paraphrasing their words, it is necessary to cite the source and the particular page from which the ideas are taken.  All sources must be included in your bibliography.

Marking criteria

This assignment assesses your capacity to critically engage with the materials discussed so far in the subject. Marking is done in accordance with La Trobe Policy on assessment.

The essay is marked on the following criteria:

  1. How well the essay addresses the assigned topic;
  2. How clear and sophisticated the analysis is;
  3. Depth of understanding;
  4. Whether the essay is structured in a logical and well-organised manner;
  5. Clarity in writing with appropriate spelling, grammar and formatting
  6. Correct citation

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity involves being honest, demonstrating what is your work and properly acknowledging the work of others including by proper referencing. At the most basic, it is about not cheating. Be aware that cheating receives strong penalties, and buying an essay or paying someone to do your assessment tasks can result in expulsion from the University.

La Trobe takes academic integrity seriously. For more information, see: 


For information about extensions and how to apply, please see the links provided on the LMS page. Please note that:

  • La Trobe has recently updates some of its policies regarding extensions, special consideration and how to apply for them, so do ensure you read the latest info
  • Extensions will only be considered if submitted up to 3 days prior to the due date
  • A Medical Impact Statement is required as supporting evidence for a special consideration request

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