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LML6001 Practitioner Legal Skills for Australian Migration Law Assessment Task 2

Graduate Diploma in Migration Law

LML6001 – Practitioner Legal Skills for Australian Migration Law

Assessment Task 2 – Semester 2, 2020


  1. Students must answer all questions as Make certain all answers are clearly labelled.
  2. Make certain that you enter your NAME and STUDENT NUMBER on each Insert them into the header or footer for ease.
  3. This assignment comprises 30% of the assessment in this
  4. Students should note that English expression; grammar and spelling are taken into account in assessment of their answers.
  5. SUBMISSION OF ASSESSMENT: Please check the online centre for the due date for your class group. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the date for receipt is complied with. It is intended that all assessment be lodged electronically. This will automatically generate a receipt.
  6. WORD LIMIT: Word limits are indicated for certain questions and should be adhered to with each

7.                  All answers should be supported by reference to the relevant legislation provisions of the Migration Act and Regulations.

  1. A student, whose answer to any question depends upon facts which are not stated, must discuss all relevant alternatives.
  2. REFERENCING: Students are required to use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation as the preferred method of You are also required to submit a bibliography for each assessment task and not merely a reference list.

Assessment Criteria

  1. Accurate answers to the questions demonstrating knowledge of legislative and regulatory provisions and applying problem solving skills.
  2. Answers are justified by clear reference to the relevant facts, identify logical assumptions you have made about the facts in answering
  3. Arguments and information are clearly and logically
  4. Demonstrated understanding of principles and values of a registered migration


You have just commenced work as a registered migration agent with a large migration agency. Your employer wants you to explain the following in plain English, in a letter of advice to a client:

1.The implications of the decision of SZVBN v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCAFC 90 (7 June 2017) (attached).

2.The principles of statutory interpretation (if any) that were employed by the judges in arriving at their

(30 marks) (Maximum Word Limit: 1700 words)

Expert's Answer

Dear Sir

We refer to our discussion wherein you raised certain queries before us pertaining to the decision of Federal Court of Australia in a decision reported as SZVBN v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCAFC 90, and its implications on the immigration law operating in the Australia.

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