MEM30018A Undertake basic process planning - Assignment Help

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Case study 1: (Notes for answering question a) Begin the breakdown process with the finished good, and then work downward level by level through the product structure tree. Remember that the timing and quantity of the gross requirements for children are determined by the planned orders of the parents. After the breakdown, you will have the planned orders necessary to produce the units listed in the master production schedule.

(Notes for answering question b) CRP calculates the workloads at critical work centers by using the planned orders generated by the MRP system. These planned orders are multiplied by the standard times to calculate individual work center loads. Then identify the potential problems if the effective capacity is 960 hours each period. You must use Excel spreadsheets to perform calculations and report in Acrobat pdf format.

Case study 2: (1) Assuming average operating hours of the mine around 20 hours for each period, the capacity of each 730E-8 truck around 181 tonne, and the loader cycle time constant at 1.65 minutes. Determine the number of trucks required in each period and in each route (refer to Mine operations in Figure 1, Table 1 provides the Truck cycle time and Production requirements).

(2) Add a two-dimensional combo chart including the number of 730E-8 trucks and production target in each period, to comment as a Site Manager on existing mining operations to purchase or hire the equipment based on consistent or fluctuating demand (consider the asset depreciation 40 percent and annual interest rate of 19%). Each truck can cost up to $ 500,000 plus maintenance costs. Equipment hire can cost up to $295 per hour.

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