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Environmental pollution and falling levels of natural energy resources are marked as a major risk for a clean environment and progress of the future generation. Whereas, improper disposal of the waste produced domestically is among the major contributors of environmental pollution. Most of the domestic waste like paper, glass, tin or plastic are commonly now recycled, however other waste from organic products like food scraps, fruit or vegetable skin when not disposed of properly causes environmental pollution. organic waste is an important and advantageous resource which, if not properly managed, can become a threat sent to landfills or improperly treated (Polprasert & Koottatep, 2017).
Using renewable energy sources can provide a promising solution to mitigate the overuse of conventional energy sources and reduce environmental pollution (Amin & Rahman, 2019). Whereas the same waste as being used as an alternate energy resource among industries, at domestic level can be processed for producing gas replacing natural gas. Food waste can be captured and utilized in a number of ways to produce both economic and environmental benefits (Zimring & Rathje, 2012). Domestic consumers switching from natural gas to the gas produced themselves by their own waste, would effectively lower the consumption of natural gas. Thus, saving natural gas reserves for the future generations.
Our idea is based on production procedures of bio gas, though quite simple but rarely practiced by domestic consumers. Commonly, waste of organic products produced in residential areas is either moved to landfill sites or discarded in isolated areas making it a source for environmental pollution. Organic waste when decay or decompose produce combination of gases, having highest percentage of methane. Owing to flammable properties of Methane, it can be used in place of natural gas.
As per our innovative plan all the organic waste coming out of private homes or restaurants instead of being thrown out will be dumped in a purposely designed underground waste tanks, built within the parameters of individual houses. The same waste when decay will produce gas, through a high pressure pump the same gas will be supplied to the house for cooking or other heating purposes. Effective implementation of our idea even only by the domestic consumers, there will be a significant decline in natural gas consumption and contribution to environmental pollution would be reduced to some extent.
Activity Program;
Rising pollution and declining energy resources mainly fossil fuel are the major concerns across the globe. With the climate changing at an unprecedented rate duet to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, many countries aim to reduce their dependence on fossil fuel by switching to renewable sources of energy (Sataric, 2019). Concerned authorities are continuously designing and implementing various polices and strategies to counter with the issue. However, without active participation of a common community member, any policy or strategy would not be able to achieve the desired result.
The idea of building a waste tank within the boundary of individual houses, will enable a common community member to contribute his share for sustaining the declining natural resources and eliminating the factors leading to environmental pollution. the same waste tank will be concurrently ingesting the organic waste and providing gas alternate of natural gas.
Community members are the most potential consumers of the waste tank idea, as it will not only counter with the mentioned environmental issues but will also benefit them by minimizing their monthly utility expenses and removal of waste hygienically.
By 2050, the demand for energy could double or even triple, as the global population rises and developing countries expand their economies (Nelson, 2011). As stated by Flournoy (2012) that all current sources of energy will sooner of later prove to be insufficient, either due to declining production, as with oil and gas, or environmental issues. The average person today consumes 15 times more energy than 130 years ago, and those living in the industrialized countries consume significantly more than the average (Azapagic & Perdan, 2011). Significant consumption of oil and gas to cater the needs of the continuously growing population across the globe has lowered the natural reserves of fossil fuel to the alarming levels. It is predicted that the rate at which our natural reserves are declining if the issue is not addressed jointly by every single individual on this planet, the upcoming generation would have to depend on unreliable energy sources.
Concerned authorities acknowledging the fact of rapid decline in natural resources and the growing environmental pollution owing to the consumption of the same energy sources, are constantly designing and implementing strategies for the use of alternate means of energy sources to minimize the draining of fossil fuel reserves, also as burning of fossil fuel for varied uses is the main source of environmental pollution, replacing the same with other means of energy sources will effectively aid in minimizing the pollution levels. Consuming gas produced through organic waste decomposition as a fuel also prevents the release of methane from unmanaged decomposition of organic matter, a greenhouse gas that is twenty-three times more damaging than carbon dioxide (Reid, 2014).
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