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All organization are operating in pursuit of their specific designated goals, whereas to achieve the targeted goals coordination and self-interest among the working members of an organization irrespective of their job position is of great significance. As such managers holds reasonable responsibility in developing the same coordination and maneuvering the workforce towards the planned goals. Moreover, success of an organization is also based on the organizational behavior of the managers. Whereas, effectiveness of individuals as managers is based on their personal traits. Thus, personal traits hold a major influence on the organizational behavior of the key decision makers in an organization.
Members of the workforce of an organization having varied characters, personalities their performance style and attitude is also different. Aligning the workforce with organization’s operational goals and Maintaining a seamless flow of the operational procedures, can be termed as the main theme of organizational behavior. In the following essay, the influence of personality traits on organizational behavior will be discussed in reference with some examples to get a clear picture of the topic.
Personality Dimensions:
The concept of personality is important in management because plays a significant role in individual's perception, evaluation and reaction to environment (Anbaz, 2013). It is the main driving force of an individual’s action and mode of perceiving different things. Personality measures can predict job performance fairly well under certain conditions (Moshirpour, Far, Alhajj, p. 63, 2018).
Researchers to evaluate the potentiality of an individual particularly in a manager’s role have illuminated five main features of personality, commonly termed as ‘Big Five Personality Traits’, that are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
Openness: -
Individuals ingrained with this class of trait appears to be more creative, portraying their curiosity about new things, exploring new ideas and ventures. Openness makes the Managers to thinks beyond their boundaries, enabling them to find new ventures for their organization and conclude new ideas to enhance organization’s performance. People with high openness are characterized as individuals who have greater perspectives, are more adaptable to altering circumstances and who have a greater access to ideas (Pieper, p. 209, 2019). Hence, openness is significant for a productive organizational behavior.
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