Online Help on MGT2BET Ethical Analysis Report
The purpose of this task is to allow you to analyse an ethical dilemma.
Task details
For this task you are required to write a 1500-word report or analysis of an organisational ethical dilemma and justify your position.
Choose one of the following organisational ethical dilemmas (or your own ethical dilemma with approval from your workshop facilitator):
- Unethical Leadership
- Toxic Workplace culture
- Discrimination and Harassment
- Data privacy
- Falsifying reports for the company’s own profit and bottom line
Find a real organisasion “to be the case study”. An organization that is experiencing one of the ethical dilemmas.
For your chosen organisational ethical dilemma, write the report (using evidence to support your position). You should:
- Provide an introduction and analyse the organisational ethical dilemma.
- Present the key ethical issues of the dilemma.
- Identify the relevant key stakeholders affected by the ethical dilemma.
- Consider the relevant facts/risks/laws/principles and critically evaluate the arguments (for/against) each relevant.
In completing the report, you are required to do the following:
- Explain the importance of ethical decision making – specifically when the organisations face ethical dilemmas (as the one you have chosen).
- Assess and evaluate the chosen ethical dilemma using at least two ethical frameworks/theories.
- Discuss and evaluate your position regarding the provided ethical dilemma.
- Develop a plan and review system to ensure ethical decisions are made when facing similar dilemmas.
The structure of your report should be as follows:
- Title Page (Including your full name, student ID, workshop date/time and workshop facilitator’s name)
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Main body (addressing all items listed above)
- Conclusion
- References (using at least 10 references including academic journals, books, industry sources and newspaper articles and media sources). Note, you must use APA7
Written in third person, (you can use pronouns in the section about your position, if needed)