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The following information is provided to assist your group with the writing and production of Assessment 2, the Group Report on case study Plum Smallgoods. For specific information about the actual Assessment 2 requirements, please refer to the Subject Learning Guide and the relevant tabs under Assessments on the LMS.
There are many different resources available to help you with how to structure your Report. Use the LTU services available by searching on the La Trobe website, ask the Library, search online, or ask your tutor if they have a structure to recommend.
In completing this Report, you must support your arguments and recommendations with relevant academic literature, including reference to a minimum of twelve academic, peer-reviewed journal articles.
All reference material must be appropriately cited in the text of your Report. The Report should represent your understanding of the literature – so, please ensure that you write the Report in your own words, and acknowledge the source of the information and evidence you are presenting. Direct quotes should be kept to an absolute minimum.
Note that Wikipedia and similar websites are NOT acceptable sources for this assignment - only scientific studies (reported in academic journal articles), commentaries by eminent academics or Government Reports.
It is essential that your Report is written in a neat, professional, and engaging manner. Check your writing for accuracy in spelling, grammar and punctuation. Convey your ideas in a clear, concise manner, and use appropriate transitions between ideas and sections. La Trobe University has many resources to help you develop your writing skills. Please see your tutor if you need help.
Regardless of whether you are studying Human Resource Management, Tourism, Sport Management, Marketing, Events, or any other Business degree, you will need to be accountable for your decision- making in your professional life. The easiest way of ensuring you can justify your actions is through evidence-based decision-making.
The Report is an introduction to using evidence to justify a position or decision. John Plum will decide whether to implement your recommendations based on the information you provide to him and his Directors. In order to be accountable for your decision-making you will need to look at the evidence from the literature and use it to justify your recommendations. You have to persuade him that your recommendations will improve safety outcomes in his factory.
Step 1: Develop a general understanding of the key literature on creating a safe working environment The first thing you need to do is to identify and find the literature on improving safety outcomes in organisations. So, you might want to start by looking at Health and Safety legislation, to examine the responsibilities of employers and employees. You might then move on to research studies that examine how to build a safety culture/climate - find studies that show that by building a safety culture/climate, we can improve safety outcomes. Then look to see how these safety cultures/climates were built and sustained. Use this literature and get ideas that we know work.
You need to read and analyse the literature and synthesize the information.
There are some specific problems the company has - it seems that workers and supervisors are not adhering to safety policies, but senior management is very committed to safety in the workplace. So, this is something that you need to address.
Don't forget to justify your recommendations to John Plum. You have to persuade him that your recommendations will work - and you will do this by citing evidence that your recommendations have worked elsewhere.
Think about how you can use HRM functions to support safety outcomes - things like training, rewards, performance management and so on.
Clarke, S. (1999) ‘Perceptions of organizational safety: Implications for the development of safety culture’. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 20(2): 185.
Cox, S. and Flin, R. (1998) ‘Safety culture: Philosopher’s stone or man of straw?’ Work and Stress, 12(3): 189-201.
Dollard, M., Bailey, T., McLinton, S., Richards, P., McTernan, W., Taylor, A. and Bond, S. (2012) ‘The Australian Workplace barometer: Report on psychosocial safety climate and worker health in Australia’. Report for Safe Work Australia, Workplace-Barometer-report.pdf.
Saksvik, P.O. and Quinlan, M. (2003) ‘Regulating systematic occupational health and safety management: Comparing the Norwegian and Australian experience’. Relations Industrielles, 58(1): 33-59.
Zohar, D. (1980) ‘Safety climate in industrial organisations: theoretical and applied implications’. Journal of Applied Psychology, 65(1): 96-102.
Bruno Smallgoods is facing a management crisis, where they are concerned about the non-compliance of work health and safety practices at their site of operations. Their higher management is committed and responsible towards positive safety culture, however the frontline workers are not committed to this culture and it concerns the organization as it might end up in fatal injury or death of any of the worker at plant. This concerns the employer because primarily it is dangerous for the workers to work with an attitude that might put their own lives in jeopardy, and secondly because it will bring in the bad name for the firm and they will end up being involved in a lawsuit. In order to avoid any of these anticipated events , Bruno Smallgoods requires to strategize their human resource policies by incorporating new methods of recruitment and selection , training and development, rewards and compensations and transforming their workplace for better and easier compliance of workplace safety practices. These activities might not pose to be effective in isolation but rather an integrated approach is required so that the idea is reinforced effectively and workforce realize that safety is as important of an objective as any other objective for the management.
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