MGT3HRD – Assessment 3: Individual Case Analysis
The purpose of this assignment it to conduct a self-case analysis on your career development plan.
The purpose of this assignment it to conduct a self-case analysis on your career development plan.
In this current age, you are required to actively manage your own career path. This assignment will prompt you to think deeply and reflect on jobs or career or industry that you really want to work in. Your task is to address the following questions in an essay/report format:
Key issues:
1) Where do I want to be?
Some key issues to consider here include:
- What are my short-term career objectives?
- What are my long-term career objectives?
2) Where am I now?
Two key issues you should address here:
- An assessment of my current personal values.
- An assessment of my current knowledge, skills, abilities and other qualifications compared to those required for my desired job.
Here are links to some of the self-assessment survey to evaluate your values, skills etc - and/or and/or other survey assessments that you found interesting. You MUST attach the survey results as an evidence to support their analysis in the Appendix section.
Plan of actions:
3) How am I going to get there?
In this section you need to outline three (3) strategies (plan of actions) that are able to assist you to obtain your career goals and also to overcome your gap identified in section 2. This may be very specific if you are already very clear on your career goals, and it can be very general if you are unclear of your career goals as yet. In either case, the idea is to discuss ways of pursuing a career that is most consistent with your lifestyle goals and values.
4) Your learning curves?
Analyse two (2) learning outcomes that you experience by conducting this self-analysis case study assignment. Follow up questions are:
- What challenges did you face while completing this assignment?
- How did you solve those challenges?
- What did you see as the major benefits of this assignment?
- What do you see any disadvantages or drawbacks of this assignment?
Your essay/report should have the following structure: An Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Reference List.
You MUST consult & reference a minimum of five (5) academic articles to support your analysis in Sections 2 and 3. You need to use either APA or Harvard Referencing System.
It is recommended that you consider the following publications to identify relevant articles: Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Development, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Organizational Behavior and Management Learning.
Length: The total length of the assignment is a maximum of 1,750 words (+/- 10%) (Reference list and title page are excluded from the word count)
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